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首頁 > 新聞中心 > BioPAL 特約代理

BioPAL 特約代理

 更新時間:2016-01-29 點擊量:541

世界*實驗材料供應商 BioPAL 正式授權上海起發為其中國代理, BioPAL 在一直是行業的*,一直為廣大科研客戶提供zui為的產品和服務,上海起發一直秉承為中國科研客戶帶來的產品,的服務,簽約 BioPAL 就是為了給廣大科研客戶帶來更加完善的產品和服務,您的滿意將是我們zui大的收獲

 BioPAL 中國代理, BioPAL 上海代理, BioPAL 北京代理,BioPAL 廣東代理, BioPAL 江蘇代理BioPAL 湖北代理,BioPAL 天津,BioPAL 黑龍江代理,BioPAL 內蒙古代理,BioPAL 吉林代理,BioPAL 福建代理, BioPAL 江蘇代理, BioPAL 浙江代理, BioPAL 四川代理,



BioPhysics Assay Laboratory (BioPAL, Inc.) is a privay held, for-profit company based in Worcester Massachusetts. The company develops and sells novel tools for the life science and biomedical communities. BioPAL was the first company to commercialize non-radioactive products that use neutron activation technology as the read-out system. The company also develops and sells nanoparticles for applications in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic separation applications and tools for time resolved fluorescent technology. BioPAL offers ready-to-use cell labeling and tracking products for cellular therapy research applications.

BioPAL was the first to introduce functional immunoassay technology (FIT) to the research community. The company offers a line of renal diagnostics based on FIT to measure glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and effective renal blood flow (RBF). Most notably is BioPAL's ELISA kit for the measurement of inulin.







5:良好的信譽,大部分客戶我們提供貨到付款服務,客戶包括清華,北大 交大 復旦,中山等100多所大學,ROCHE,阿斯利康,國藥 ,fisher等500多家公司

6:我們還是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc, BioPAL ,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,BioPAL , Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,FULLERLABS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等幾十家國外公司授權代理。
7:我們還是invitrogen,qiagen,BioPAL am,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批發,歡迎合作。