GeneTex 公司于1997年成立于美國得克薩斯州的圣安東尼奧(現已遷至南加州),是由三位的科學家創立,公司致力于研究和開發各種基礎醫學相關的新型研究用抗體。公司起初的核心目標是幫助科學家尋找引發人類乳腺癌的分子新靶標,現在已經逐步擴展到其他研究領域新抗體和配套診斷試劑的開發。至今,癌癥研究相關抗體已經成為了該公司的特色產品。
Genetex 公司以獲得客戶100%的滿意度為目標,曾與多家抗體公司合作業務。目前抗體總數已逾50,000種,且每月推出近400種新抗體。其中,兔多抗和鼠單抗為其優勢產品。
地址:GeneTex Inc.2456 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92606, USA
世界*實驗材料供應商GeneTex正式授權上海起發為其中國代理,GeneTex在一直是行業的*,一直為廣大科研客戶提供zui為的產品和服務,上海起發一直秉承為中國科研客戶帶來的產品,的服務, 簽約GeneTex就是為了給廣大科研客戶帶來更加完善的產品和服務,您的滿意將是我們zui大的收獲
GeneTex中國代理,GeneTex上海代理,GeneTex北京代理,GeneTex廣東代理,GeneTex江蘇代理 GeneTex湖北代理, GeneTex天津, GeneTex黑龍江代理, GeneTex內蒙古代理, GeneTex吉林代理, GeneTex福建代理, GeneTex江蘇代理, GeneTex浙江代理, GeneTex四川代理,
品牌 | 目錄號 | 產品 | 規格 | 2015目錄價 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21542 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Lung Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21543 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Liver Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21544 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Kidney Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21545 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Colorectal Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21546 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Cervix Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21547 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Breast Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21548 | Human Matched Pair Tissue Array - Bladder Tumor | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21549 | Rabbit Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21550 | Rabbit Small Intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21551 | Rabbit Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21552 | Rabbit Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21553 | Rabbit Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21555 | Rabbit Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21556 | Rabbit Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21557 | Rabbit Ear (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21558 | Rabbit Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21559 | Rabbit Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21560 | Pig Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21561 | Pig Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21562 | Pig Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21563 | Pig Small Intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21564 | Pig Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21565 | Pig Rectum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21569 | Pig Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21570 | Pig Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21571 | Pig Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21572 | Pig Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21573 | Pig Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21575 | Pig Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21576 | Mouse Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21577 | Mouse Small Intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21578 | Mouse Ear (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21580 | Mouse Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21582 | Monkey Vagina (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21583 | Monkey Vagina (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21584 | Monkey Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21585 | Monkey Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21586 | Monkey Uterus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21587 | Monkey Uterus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21588 | Monkey Ureter (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21589 | Monkey Ureter (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21590 | Monkey Trachea (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21591 | Monkey Trachea (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21592 | Monkey Tongue (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21593 | Monkey Tongue (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21594 | Monkey Thyroid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21595 | Monkey Thyroid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21596 | Monkey Thymus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21597 | Monkey Thymus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21598 | Monkey Testis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21599 | Monkey Testis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21600 | Monkey Submaxillary gland (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21601 | Monkey Submaxillary gland (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21602 | Monkey Stomach: Cardia (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21603 | Monkey Stomach: Cardia (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21604 | Monkey Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21605 | Monkey Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21606 | Monkey Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21607 | Monkey Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21608 | Monkey Spinal cord (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21609 | Monkey Spinal cord (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21610 | Monkey Small intestine: Jejunum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21611 | Monkey Small intestine: Jejunum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21612 | Monkey Small intestine: Ileum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21613 | Monkey Small intestine: Ileum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21614 | Monkey Small Intestine: Duodenum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21615 | Monkey Small Intestine: Duodenum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21616 | Monkey Small intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21617 | Monkey Small intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21618 | Monkey Skin (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21619 | Monkey Skin (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21620 | Monkey Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21621 | Monkey Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21622 | Monkey Rectum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21623 | Monkey Rectum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21624 | Monkey Prostate (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21625 | Monkey Prostate (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21626 | Monkey Penis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21627 | Monkey Penis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21628 | Monkey Parotid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21629 | Monkey Parotid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21630 | Monkey Pancreas (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21631 | Monkey Pancreas (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21634 | Monkey Lymph node (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21635 | Monkey Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21636 | Monkey Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21637 | Monkey Liver: Right Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21638 | Monkey Liver: Right Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21639 | Monkey Liver: Left Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21640 | Monkey Liver: Left Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21641 | Monkey Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21642 | Monkey Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21643 | Monkey Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21644 | Monkey Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21645 | Monkey Heart: Pericardium (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21646 | Monkey Heart: Pericardium (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21647 | Monkey Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21649 | Monkey Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21650 | Monkey Greater Omentum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21651 | Monkey Gallbladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21652 | Monkey Gallbladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21654 | TLR5 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21655 | TLR2 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21656 | beta Chemokine receptor D6 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21657 | CCR7 antibody | 50μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21658 | CCBP2 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21659 | CCR6 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21660 | CCR11 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21661 | CCR10 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21662 | CCR9 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21663 | CCR8 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21665 | CCR8 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21666 | CCR8 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21667 | CCR3 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21668 | CCR2 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21669 | CCR4 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21670 | CXCR4 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21671 | CXCR4 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21673 | CCR5 antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21674 | TRAIL-R3 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21675 | TRAIL-R2 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21679 | CCR4 antibody | 50μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21680 | Monkey Fallopian Tube (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21681 | CCR1 antibody | 50μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21682 | Monkey Fallopian Tube (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21683 | Monkey Esophagus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21684 | Monkey Esophagus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21685 | Monkey Epididymis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21686 | Monkey Epididymis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21687 | Monkey Ductus deferens (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21688 | Monkey Diaphragm (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21689 | Monkey Diaphragm (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21690 | Monkey Colon transverse (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21691 | Monkey Colon transverse (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21692 | Monkey Colon sigmoid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21693 | Monkey Colon sigmoid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21694 | Monkey Colon descending (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21695 | Monkey Colon descending (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21696 | Monkey Colon ascending (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21697 | Monkey Colon ascending (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21698 | Monkey Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21699 | Monkey Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21700 | Monkey Cecum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21701 | Monkey Cecum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21702 | Monkey Breast (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21703 | Monkey Breast (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21704 | Monkey Brain: Temporal Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21705 | Monkey Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21706 | Monkey Brain: Parietal Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21707 | Monkey Brain: Occipital Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21709 | Monkey Brain: Frontal Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21710 | Monkey Brain: Corpus Callosum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21711 | Monkey Brain: Cerebellum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21712 | Monkey Brain: Basal Ganglia (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21713 | Monkey Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21714 | Monkey Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21715 | Monkey Blood vessel: Vein (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21716 | Monkey Blood vessel: Vein (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21717 | Monkey Blood vessel: Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21718 | Monkey Blood vessel: Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21719 | Monkey Bladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21720 | Monkey Bladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21721 | Monkey Appendix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21722 | Monkey Appendix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21723 | Monkey Adrenal (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21724 | Monkey Adrenal (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21725 | Monkey Adipose (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21726 | Monkey Adipose (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21728 | Human Uvula (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21729 | Human Uterus (Spindle Cell Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21730 | Human Uterus (Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21731 | Human Uterus (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21732 | Human Uterus (Adenomyoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21733 | Human Uterus (Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21734 | Human Uterus (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21735 | Human Uterus ( Papillary serous Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21736 | Human Vas Deferens (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21737 | Human Vas Deferens (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21738 | Human Placenta (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21739 | Human Fallopian Tube (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21740 | Human Fallopian Tube (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21741 | Human Fallopian Tube (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21742 | Human Tonsil (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21743 | Human Thyroid (Papillary Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21744 | Human Thyroid (Follicular Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21745 | Human Thyroid (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21746 | Human Thyroid (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21747 | Human Testis (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21748 | Human Testis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21749 | Human Testis (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21750 | Human Submaxillary gland (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21751 | Human Stomach (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21752 | Human Stomach (Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21753 | Human Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21754 | Thioredoxin antibody [2B1] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21755 | Human Stomach (mucinous Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21756 | Human Stomach (Malignant Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21757 | Human Stomach (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21763 | Human Stomach (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21774 | Human Spleen (Lymphoma/Leukemia) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21775 | Human Soft Tissue (Skeletal Muscle-Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21776 | Human Soft Tissue (Skeletal Muscle-malignant) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21777 | Human Soft Tissue (Skeletal Muscle-Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21778 | Human Soft Tissue (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21779 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Undiagnosed) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21786 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21787 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Liposarcoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21788 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Lipoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21790 | Histone H2B antibody | 100μl | 5000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21794 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21795 | Human Soft Tissue (Adipose-Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21796 | Human Soft Tissue (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21797 | Human Small Intestine: Jejunum (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21798 | Human Small Intestine: Ileum (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21799 | Human Small Intestine: Duodenum (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21800 | Human Small Intestine (Malignant) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21801 | Actin antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21803 | Human Small Intestine (Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21804 | Human Skin (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21805 | Human Skeletal Muscle (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21806 | Human Salivary Gland (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21807 | Human Salivary Gland (Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21808 | Human Prostate (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21810 | Human Prostate (Hyperplasia) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21811 | Human Penis (Malignant) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21813 | Human Pancreas (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21814 | Perforin antibody [deltaG9] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21815 | Human Ovary (Epithelial Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21816 | Human Ovary (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21818 | MMP2 antibody [A-Gel VC2] | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21820 | Human Ovary (Benign Sex Chord Stromal tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21821 | Human Ovary (Benign Epithelial Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21822 | Human Ovary (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21823 | TSP antibody [A6.1] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21824 | Human Skin (Melanoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21825 | Human Spleen (Lymphoma/Leukemia) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21826 | Caldesmon antibody [h-CALD] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21827 | TIMP1 antibody [102D1] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21828 | TIMP2 antibody [3A4] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21829 | Human Lymphoma tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21831 | DNA polymerase beta antibody [61] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21832 | DNA PKcs antibody [18-2] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21833 | Human Lymph Node (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21834 | Factor XIIIA antibody [AC-1A1] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21835 | Myogenin antibody [F5D] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21836 | Prohibitin antibody [II-14-10] | 500μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21837 | Rad51 antibody [51RAD01] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21838 | XRCC1 antibody [33-2-5] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21839 | Human Lymph Node (Malignant) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21840 | Ret antibody [RET01] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21841 | Human Lymph Node (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21842 | Human Lymph Node (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21843 | Human Appendix (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21844 | Human Lymphoid Tissue (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21845 | Human Lung (Pulmonary embolism) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21846 | Human Lung (Pneumonia) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21847 | Human Lung (Non-small Cell Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21848 | Human Lung (Emphysema) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21849 | Human Lung (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21850 | Human Lung (Bronchitis) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21851 | Human Lung (Asthma) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21852 | Human Liver (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21854 | Human Liver (Necrotic tissue) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21855 | Human Liver (Malignant tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21856 | Human Liver (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21857 | Human Liver (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21858 | Human Kidney (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21859 | Human Kidney (Renal Cell Neoplasia) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21860 | Human Heart: Ventricle, right (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21861 | Human Heart: Ventricle, right (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21862 | Human Heart: Ventricle, left (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21863 | Human Heart: Ventricle, left (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21864 | Human Heart: Interventricular Septum (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21865 | Human Heart: Interventricular Septum (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21866 | Human Heart (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21868 | Cullin 1 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21869 | Human Heart (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21872 | Caspase 1 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21873 | CD95 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21875 | Esterase antibody | 100μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21876 | Elastase antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21877 | Catalase antibody | 1ml | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21878 | Human Heart (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21879 | Trypsin antibody | 100μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21881 | FYN antibody [FYN-01] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21884 | 5-Methylcytosine / 5-mC antibody | 250μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21887 | HLA-G antibody [MEM-G/4] | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21890 | LYN antibody [LYN-01] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21893 | BrdU antibody | 125μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21898 | TCR V beta 5 antibody [MEM-262] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21900 | Acrosin antibody [ACR-2] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21901 | NTAL antibody [NAP-03] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21903 | alpha Synuclein antibody [4D6] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21904 | alpha Synuclein antibody [4B12] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21905 | Bcl-2 (phospho Ser70) antibody | 50μg | 2600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21907 | Apo E antibody [E6D7] | 100μl | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21908 | Bcl-2 (phospho Thr56) antibody | 50μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21909 | Human Heart (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21913 | Human Heart (Congenital heart disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21914 | Human Heart (Cardiac Myxoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21915 | Human Heart (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21918 | Ebola virus antibody [FE18] | 500μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21920 | Endothelin A Receptor antibody | 125μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21924 | Ebola virus antibody [FE25] | 500μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21926 | Ebola virus antibody [FE37] | 500μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21927 | IgG1 antibody [2C11] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21928 | IgG3 antibody [5G12] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21930 | IgG4 Heavy chain antibody [5C7] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21933 | IgG2 antibody [52G1] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21935 | IgG2 antibody [3C7] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21936 | kappa Light chain antibody [4G7] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21938 | Histone H1 antibody | 125μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21939 | kappa free Light chains antibody [4C11] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21941 | Histone core antibody | 125μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21942 | Ig Light chain antibody [7A9] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21943 | lambda Light chain antibody [2G9] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21944 | lambda Free Light chain antibody [3D12] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21945 | IgM antibody [1F4] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21946 | IgM antibody [2A6] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21947 | IgM antibody [2B9] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21948 | IgM antibody [MA2] | 1mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21949 | Cortisol antibody [XM210] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21951 | Cortisol antibody [CORT-1] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21952 | Cortisol antibody [CORT-2] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21953 | GH1 antibody [Gh29] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21954 | GH1 antibody [GhG2] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21956 | GH1 antibody [GhB9] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21957 | hCG antibody [28A4] (HRP) | 200μg | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21958 | CG antibody [G9] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21961 | CG antibody [27E8] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21963 | CG antibody [76G3] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21964 | CG antibody [77F12] | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21965 | Insulin antibody [3A6] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21966 | Insulin antibody [7F5] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21967 | Insulin antibody [8E2] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21968 | Insulin antibody [C7C9] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21970 | Prolactin antibody [ME-122] | 1mg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21973 | C Peptide antibody [5B8] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21974 | C Peptide antibody [7E10] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21975 | C Peptide antibody [4H8] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21976 | Leptin antibody [4F8] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21977 | Progesterone antibody [HPRO-2] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21979 | Proinsulin antibody [1G4] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21980 | Proinsulin antibody [7D6] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21981 | Triiodothyronine antibody [3A6] | 1mg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21982 | Thyroglobulin antibody [5E6] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21983 | Thyroglobulin antibody [12G9] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21984 | Thyroglobulin antibody [5F9] | 1mg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21985 | Aflatoxin antibody [ATB] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21987 | Adenovirus hexon protein antibody [7C11] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21988 | Bacillus anthracis antibody [BAP0101] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21990 | Bacillus anthracis protective antigen antibody [BAP0102] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21991 | Bacillus anthracis protective antigen antibody [BAP0104] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21992 | Bacillus anthracis protective antigen antibody [BAP0105] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21993 | Bacillus anthracis protective antigen antibody [BAP0106] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21994 | Bacillus anthracis spore antigen antibody [SA27] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21997 | ADAM10 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21998 | AIF antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX21999 | AIF antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22000 | APAF1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22001 | APAF1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22002 | ARC antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22003 | ARC antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22005 | Human Gallbladder (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22006 | Human Gallbladder (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22010 | Human Gallbladder (Abnormal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22011 | Caspase 13 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22012 | Caspase 10 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22016 | Human Eye: Retina (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22017 | DAXX antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22018 | Human Esophagus (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22019 | DcR2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22021 | Borrelia burgdorferi garinii antibody [Bg14] | 500μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22022 | Brucella abortus antibody [BA35] | 500μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22026 | Human Colorectal (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22027 | Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto antibody [Bss42] | 500μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22028 | Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto antibody [Bss98] | 500μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22029 | Clostridium botulinum D Toxoid antibody [KB21] | 500μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22033 | Francisella tularensis LPS antibody [FB11] | 500μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22034 | Francisella tularensis LPS antibody [T14] | 500μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22037 | Human Colon (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22038 | Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody [HB11] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22040 | ICAD antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22041 | Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody [HB13] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22042 | Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody [HB6] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22043 | MADD antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22045 | Hepatitis B core antigen antibody [H6F5] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22046 | Hepatitis B E antigen antibody [AC5] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22049 | Human Colon (Diabetes) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22051 | TACE antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22054 | Legionella pneumophila antibody [5F4] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22055 | Marburg virus antibody [FM11] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22057 | DAP Kinase 3 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22059 | Marburg virus antibody [FM213] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22060 | Human Cervix (Squamous Cell Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22062 | Human Cervix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22063 | Human Cervix (Interepithelial Neoplasia) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22064 | MyD88 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22065 | Human Cervix (Condyloma Acuminatum) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22066 | Human Cervix (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22068 | MyD88 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22069 | GPBB antibody [M709145] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22070 | Human Breast (Well Differentiated Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22074 | CXCR4 antibody | 50μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22075 | GPBB antibody [M8030622] | 250μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22077 | BACE antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22081 | RANGAP1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22081-PEP | RANGAP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22083 | Amyloid Precursor Protein antibody | 50μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22084 | Amyloid Precursor Protein antibody | 50μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22085 | Amyloid Precursor Protein Frameshift Mutant antibody | 50μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22086 | AIF antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22087 | DcR1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22088 | MPO antibody | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22089 | Human Breast (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22090 | CXCR4 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22091 | Human Breast (Poorly Differentiated Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22092 | ACE antibody [M4110421] | 50μg | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22094 | Cyclin E antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22095 | Leptin antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22096 | Cyclin B1 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22098 | Cyclin T1 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22099 | TAP I antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22100 | Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor antibody | 1ml | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22101 | Lactate Dehydrogenase antibody | 1mg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22104 | Human Breast (Invasive Mammary Carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22105 | IL1 beta antibody | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22107 | Folate binding protein antibody | 1mg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22108 | Acid Phosphatase antibody | 100μl | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22109 | Horseradish Peroxidase antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22110 | Horseradish Peroxidase antibody | 100μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22111 | Liver Arginase antibody | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22112 | Human Breast (Fibroadenoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22114 | Human Breast (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ [DCIS]) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22115 | Horseradish Peroxidase antibody | 100μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22116 | Horseradish Peroxidase antibody | 100μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22118 | Human Breast (Benign) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22119 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22122 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22124 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Depression) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22126 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Dementia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22127 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22128 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22129 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22131 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Depression) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22132 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Dementia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22133 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22134 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22135 | Human Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22136 | Human Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22137 | Human Brain: Pons (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22138 | Human Brain: Pons (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22140 | Human Brain: Pons (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22141 | Human Brain: Pineal Gland (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22142 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22144 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22145 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22146 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Depression) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22148 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Dementia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22149 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22150 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22151 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22152 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Depression) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22153 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Dementia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22154 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22155 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22156 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22157 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22161 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22166 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX221666-01 | EasyBlot anti Rabbit IgG (HRP) | 250μl | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX221666-01-S | EasyBlot anti Rabbit IgG (HRP) | 50μl | 950 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX221667-01 | EasyBlot anti Mouse IgG (HRP) | 250μl | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX221667-01-S | EasyBlot anti Mouse IgG (HRP) | 50μl | 950 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22167 | MMP9 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22169 | TIMP3 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22171 | Caspase 3 antibody [3CSP03] | 500μl | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22174 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22175 | RPA34 antibody [9H8] | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22176 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Depression) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22178 | PMS2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22179 | Blooms Syndrome protein blm antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22188 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Dementia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22189 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22190 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22193 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22194 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22195 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22196 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22197 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22199 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22201 | Human Brain (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22202 | Human Brain (Parkinson's Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22203 | Human Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22204 | Human Brain (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22209 | Human Brain (Fetal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22210 | CD31 antibody [MEM-05] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22211 | Integrin alpha 2b antibody [MEM-06] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22212 | CD44 antibody [MEM-85] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22213 | ICAM1 / CD54 antibody [MEM-111] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22214 | ICAM1 / CD54 antibody [MEM-112] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22215 | CD9 antibody [MEM-61] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22216 | HLA-E antibody [MEM-E/02] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22217 | HLA Class I antibody [MEM-123] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22218 | PSA antibody [A67-B/E3] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22219 | TRAIL antibody [2E5] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22220 | PGAM1 / PGAM2 / PGAM4 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22220-PEP | PGAM1/PGAM2/PGAM4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22221 | Human Brain (Alzheimers Disease) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22223 | Human Bone (Myeloma, Plasmacytic) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22224 | Human Blood Vessel: Coronary Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22225 | COP antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22226 | PACSIN3 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22226-PEP | PACSIN3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22227 | Human Bladder (Malignant epithelial tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22230 | BLNK antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22234 | GRB2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22235 | CBL antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22236 | ASC / TMS1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22236-PEP | ASC/TMS1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22237 | SIAH1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22239 | ELMO1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22240 | ELMO2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22242 | Annexin II antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22243 | TBL1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22244 | RAC2 antibody | 50μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22245 | Spinesin antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22247 | CYBR / PSCDBP antibody, N-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22247-PEP | CYBR/PSCDBP blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22248 | Dysadherin antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22249 | MST4 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22250 | Human Atrium, right (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22252 | Human Atrium, right (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22253 | Human Atrium, left (hypertension) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22255 | Human Atrium, left (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22256 | Human Appendix (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22258 | Human Adrenal (Tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22259 | Hamster Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22260 | Hamster Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22261 | Hamster Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22262 | Hamster Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22265 | Guinea Pig Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22266 | Guinea Pig Small Intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22270 | RACGAP1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22271 | ELMO3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22272 | DUSP10 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22273 | Bak antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22275 | 12L HETE antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22277 | 5,6 dihydro Prostaglandin I2 antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22281 | Bacillus anthracis spore antigen antibody [SA26] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22286 | Phosphothreonine antibody [18F6] | 50μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22287 | Phosphotyrosine antibody [13F9] | 50μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22288 | Guinea Pig Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22289 | TSKS antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22291 | KLKL2 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22293 | ADNP antibody | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22298 | MUC12 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22301 | Caspase 7 antibody [B4-G2] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22302 | Caspase 3 (Active) antibody | 50μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22303 | Guinea Pig Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22304 | Bok antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22305 | Guinea Pig Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22307 | PTGER4 antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22308 | Guinea Pig Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22309 | PTGFR antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22310 | PTGER4 antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22311 | MAPKAPK2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22312 | MEK1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22313 | 15 deoxy Delta 12,14 Prostaglandin J2 antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22314 | PTGDR antibody | 100μl | 5600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22315 | Wee1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22316 | Guinea Pig Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22317 | PARP cleaved antibody | 50μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22318 | PTGER2 antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22319 | PTGFR antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22320 | Thromboxane B2 antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22323 | Caspase 7 active antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22324 | Caspase 9 active antibody | 50μg | 3700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22325 | Caspase 9 active antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22326 | Caspase 6 active antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22327 | Fluorescein antibody | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22330 | Guinea Pig Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22332 | Guinea Pig Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22333 | Bovine Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22334 | PIP antibody | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22335 | PIP2 antibody | 50μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22336 | Bovine Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22338 | COX1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22339 | Phosphotyrosine antibody [AD548] (AP) | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22341 | Bovine Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22342 | DKK4 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22344 | PINX1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22346 | NQO1 antibody | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22350 | VEGFR-1 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22353 | MSH2 antibody [25D12] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22356 | ERCC1 antibody [8F1] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22358 | CDC25B antibody [DCS-162] | 500μl | 5700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22359 | CDC25C antibody [TC-113] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22360 | MCM7 antibody [47DC141] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22361 | Bovine Small Intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22362 | CDK5 antibody [DC17 + DC34] | 500μl | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22363 | CDK2 antibody [2B6] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22364 | alpha Catenin antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22369 | Heregulin 1 antibody [7D5] | 500μl | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22372 | Bovine Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22373 | Bovine Rectum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22374 | Bovine Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22375 | Bovine Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22376 | MVP antibody [1032] | 500μl | 5700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22378 | Mast cell tryptase antibody [AA1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22380 | Bovine Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22382 | Bovine Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22383 | Mesothelioma antibody [HBME-1] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22387 | Rb antibody [1F8] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22388 | Bid antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22389 | Granzyme B antibody [O2C5/F5] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22390 | BLK antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22391 | CD40L antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22395 | Bovine Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22399 | cIAP1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22400 | Bovine Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22402 | TopBP1 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22404 | Myelin basic protein antibody | 250μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22406 | Human Serum Albumin antibody | 1ml | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22407 | ACTH antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22410 | IgG antibody | 1ml | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22411 | IgA antibody | 1ml | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22412 | Hsp70 antibody | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX224125-01 | Rat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1ml | 1500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX224126-01 | Chicken IgY antibody (HRP) | 1ml | 1500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22413 | Fibronectin antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22416 | STAT1 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22424 | STAT6 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22425 | STAT6 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22427 | PCNA peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22428 | ErbB2 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22429 | ErbB2 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22432 | EGFR peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22434 | p53 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22435 | TRAIL antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22436 | TRAIL peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22437 | CD95 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22438 | CD95 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22440 | FAS antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22441 | Fas Ligand peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22445 | APAF1 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22446 | APAF1 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22447 | TERF1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22448 | Diablo antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22449 | PTP4A3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22450 | Smac peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22451 | p107 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22452 | p107 peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22454 | PTEN peptide | 500μl | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22456 | TOM1L1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22459 | DKK3 antibody | 100μg | 5700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22470 | FRAT2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22474 | AIBZIP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22475 | ADAM8 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22477 | PAK1 + PAK2 + PAK3 (phospho Thr423) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22478 | NF2 (phospho Ser518) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22479 | Glycogen synthase (phospho Ser640) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22480 | Myosin Light chain (phospho Ser20) antibody | 50μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22488 | Ovarian carcinoma antibody [OV632] | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22495 | PDK1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22505 | p63 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22506 | p63 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22507 | LAT antibody | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22511 | SWAP70 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22513 | UEV2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22516 | Cystatin 3 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22516-PEP | Cystatin 3 (mouse) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22518 | Septin 3 antibody | 100μg | 6200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22520 | GRAP2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22521 | Blood Group A antigen antibody [HE-193] | 1ml | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22522 | Blood Group A antigen antibody [HE-195] | 1ml | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22523 | Blood Group A, B & O antigen antibody [HE-10] | 1ml | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22524 | Blood Group B antigen antibody [HEB-29] | 1ml | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22525 | Blood Group A1B antigen antibody [HE-24] | 1ml | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22526 | CD22 antibody [MEM-01] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22527 | CD97 antibody [MEM-180] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22528 | CD98 antibody [MEM-108] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22529 | CD105 antibody [MEM-226] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22530 | Cytokeratin 8 antibody [C-43] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22531 | Cytokeratin 8 antibody [C-51] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22532 | PACSIN1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22535 | Cytokeratin 5+18 antibody [C-50] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22537 | MFG antibody [MFG-06] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22540 | cIAP2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22541 | XIAP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22542 | Holocytochrome C antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22543 | Calpain 1 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22549 | NAIP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22551 | PAK1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22552 | Caspase 6 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22553 | Caspase 8 antibody [C502S] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22554 | DAP1 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22558 | alpha Fodrin antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22560 | FOXO4 (phospho Ser193) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22561 | Bid antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22562 | MSK1 (phospho Thr581) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22563 | RIP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22564 | RGS3 antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22569 | DEDAF antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22570 | CIKS antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22572 | LRP5 + LRP6 antibody [1A12] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22573 | IL1-RA antibody | 500μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22574 | CD1a antibody [HI149] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22575 | IL1 receptor I antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22576 | CD52 antibody [HI186] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22577 | CD38 antibody [HIT2] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22578 | CD42b antibody [HIP1] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22579 | CD33 antibody [HIM3-4] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22584 | Hepatitis C core antigen antibody [1E5] (FITC) | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22585 | Hepatitis C core antigen antibody [1E5] (Rhodamine) | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX225856-01 | EasyBlot anti-Rabbit IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX225856-01-S | EasyBlot anti-Rabbit IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 50μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX225857-01 | EasyBlot anti-Mouse IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX225857-01-S | EasyBlot anti-Mouse IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 50μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22591 | Hepatitis C NS4 antibody [1G7] (Biotin) | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22592 | Hepatitis C NS4 antibody [1G7] (FITC) | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22593 | Hepatitis C NS4 antibody [1G7] (Rhodamine) | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22600 | HLA-DQ1 + HLA-DQ3 antibody [HL-37] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22601 | PAP pen | 1unit | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22605 | Menin antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22607 | LIS1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22609 | EIF4G1 antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22620 | Human Lung: Trachea (Fetal Normal) tissue Lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22625 | Human Gallbladder (Fetal Normal) tissue Lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22626 | Human Esophagus (Fetal Normal) tissue Lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22627 | Human Duodenum (Fetal Normal) tissue Lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22630 | GRB7 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22631 | ATM antibody | 50μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22634 | PEBP1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22634-PEP | PEBP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22636 | TFEB antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22639 | NMDA receptor 3A + 3B antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22640 | PHEMX antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22642 | Sak / STK18 / PLK4 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22642-PEP | Sak/STK18/PLK4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22643 | ING2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22646 | HPK1 / MAP4K1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22646-PEP | HPK1/MAP4K1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22647 | KLF15 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22653 | TFEC antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22655 | Cystatin F antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22656 | LIS1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22662 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (RT) (Fetal Normal) tissue Lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22666 | Human Stomach Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22667 | Human Stomach Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22669 | Rat Testis (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22671 | Human Rectum Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22672 | Human Rectum Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22673 | Human Lung Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22674 | Rat Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22676 | Human Lung Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22678 | Rat Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22680 | Human Liver Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22681 | Human Liver Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22682 | Human Kidney Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22683 | Human Kidney Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22685 | Rat Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22686 | Rat Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22688 | Rat Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22689 | Rat Rectum (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22690 | Human Colon Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22691 | Human Colon Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22692 | Human Breast Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Normal Tissue and Primary Tumor) | 2x0.2mg | 9600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22694 | Rat Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22696 | Human Breast Tumor tissue lysate Pair (Primary and Metastatic) | 2x0.2mg | 17600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22698 | Chicken Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22700 | Rat Lung (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22704 | BrdU antibody [BrdU007] (ready-to-use) (Biotin) | 6ml | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22705 | Rat Liver (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22709 | Dog Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22711 | Rat Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22715 | RGS1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22718 | KLF16 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22722 | NFAT1 antibody [210.D6.D2] | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22723 | PSD95 antibody [6G6-1C9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22724 | CaM Kinase II (phospho Thr286) antibody [22B1] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22725 | CaM Kinase II antibody [6G9] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22726 | CETP antibody [ATM192] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22727 | Cytohesin 1 antibody [2E11] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22728 | Cytohesin 2 antibody [10A12] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22729 | Cytohesin 1 + Cytohesin 2 antibody [6G11] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22730 | alpha Adaptin antibody [AP6] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22731 | Clathrin heavy chain antibody [X22] | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22732 | mTOR antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22733 | CD222 antibody [2G11] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22734 | Nuclear Pore-O-Linked Glycoprotein antibody [RL1] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22736 | Nucleoporin p62 antibody [RL31] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22737 | LAP1 antibody [RL13] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22738 | LAP2 antibody [RL29] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22741 | Hepatitis B Virus X Protein antibody [X36C] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22742 | Androgen Receptor antibody [AN1-15] | 50μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22743 | Thyroid Hormone Receptor antibody [C3] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22744 | Thyroid Hormone Receptor beta 1 antibody [J52] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22745 | Rat Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22746 | Estrogen Receptor alpha antibody [33] | 50μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22747 | KLF8 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22748 | ARL4 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22751 | GULP1 / CED6 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22751-PEP | GULP1/CED6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22752 | ARPC1A antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22753 | TFE3 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22754 | Rabbit IgM antibody | 1mg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22755 | Rabbit IgM antibody (HRP) | 500μl | 2100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22756 | Rabbit IgM antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 2100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22758 | Rabbit IgA antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22760 | Rabbit IgA antibody (FITC) | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22764 | Progesterone Receptor antibody [PR-AT 4.14] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22765 | Progesterone Receptor antibody [Alpha PR6] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22767 | Progesterone Receptor antibody [alpha PR-22] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22768 | Glucocorticoid Receptor antibody [BuGR2] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22769 | Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor antibody [RPT9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22770 | AHR antibody [RPT1] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22771 | HIF1 beta antibody [2B10] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22772 | Prolactin Receptor antibody [U5] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22773 | Prolactin Receptor antibody [T6] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22774 | Mineralocorticoid Receptor antibody [H10E4C9F] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22775 | Rhodopsin Kinase 1a antibody [G8] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22776 | Rhodopsin Kinase 1a/b antibody [D11] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22777 | Prion protein PrP antibody [F89/160.1.5] | 200μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22779 | PPAR alpha antibody [3B6/PPAR] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22782 | SRC3 antibody [AX15.3] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22783 | PMCA4 ATPase antibody [JA9] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22784 | CFTR antibody [CF3] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22785 | Galectin-3 antibody [A3A12] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22786 | Endothelin 1 antibody [TR.ET.48.5] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22787 | HSP70 antibody [5] | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22790 | HSP27 antibody [G3.1] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22791 | GRP94 antibody [9G10] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22792 | PDI antibody [RL90] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22793 | Endothelin 1 antibody [3B8C9] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22795 | Heat Shock Protein 60 antibody [A57-B9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22796 | NFATc1 antibody [7A6] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22797 | TCP1 antibody [91A] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22798 | Calnexin antibody [AF18] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22801 | uNOS antibody [NOS-3F7-B11 B5] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22802 | Acetylcholinesterase antibody [ZR3] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22803 | Acetylcholinesterase antibody [HR2] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22804 | Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor antibody [88B] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22805 | Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor M2 antibody [31-1D1] | 100μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22806 | ADP Ribosylation Factor antibody [1D9] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22807 | alpha Adaptin antibody [AC1-M11] | 500μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22808 | Spectrin beta 1 antibody [4C3] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22809 | Trans-Golgi Network 38 antibody [2F7.1] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22810 | Rab9 antibody [Mab9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22811 | Importin beta-1 antibody [3E9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22812 | Thyrotropin Receptor antibody [28] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22814 | p23 antibody [JJ3] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22815 | RXR beta antibody [MOK13-17] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22816 | CRABPI antibody [C-1] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22817 | SERCA2 ATPase antibody [IID8] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22818 | SERCA1 ATPase antibody [IIH11] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22819 | SERCA1 ATPase antibody [VE121G9] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22821 | Rat Heart (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22823 | Mouse Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22824 | Calsequestrin antibody [VIIID12] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22825 | PMCA ATPase antibody [5F10] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22826 | Sodium/Potassium ATPase alpha 3 antibody [XVIF9-G10] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22827 | Ryanodine Receptor antibody [C3-33] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22828 | Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 antibody | 50μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22829 | Methyl CpG Binding Protein 2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22834 | CHK1 (phospho Ser317) antibody | 50μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22835 | HLTF antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22836 | HIP55 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228416-01 | Goat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1ml | 1500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22845 | Chk1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22847 | Rad17 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22851 | DNMT3B antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22852 | LAT antibody [LAT-01] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22857 | Human Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22860 | Calmodulin antibody [2D1] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22861 | SERCA2 ATPase antibody [2A7-A1] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22862 | Cav1.1 antibody [1A] | 400μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22863 | Hamster Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22864 | Calcium channel L type DHPR alpha 2 antibody [20A] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22865 | Phospholamban antibody [2D12] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22866 | Hydrogen/Potassium ATPase beta antibody [2G11] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22867 | Sodium/Potassium ATPase antibody [9-A5] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22868 | Ryanodine Receptor antibody [34C] | 100μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22869 | Sodium/Calcium Exchanger antibody [C2C12] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22870 | Triadin antibody [GE 4.90] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22871 | Sodium/Potassium ATPase alpha antibody [M7-PB-E9] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22872 | Sodium/Potassium ATPase alpha 1 antibody [M8-P1-A3] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22873 | Sodium/Potassium ATPase beta antibody [M17-P5-F11] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22874 | Sarcalumenin antibody [XIIC4] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22879 | Prion protein PrP antibody [1E5 / G6] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22884 | Rat Colon (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228909-01 | EasyBlot anti-Rat IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228909-01-S | EasyBlot anti-Rat IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 50μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228910-01 | EasyBlot anti- Goat IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228910-01-S | EasyBlot anti- Goat IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 50μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228911-01 | EasyBlot anti-Sheep IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX228911-01-S | EasyBlot anti-Sheep IgG Kit (Optimized for Prot A/G) | 50μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22898 | KDEL antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22899 | beta COP antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22900 | Early Endosomal Antigen 1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22902 | Glucose-Regulated Protein 78 antibody | 100μg | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22906 | beta ENaC antibody | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22910 | Caveolin 1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22911 | Caveolin 2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22913 | alpha COP antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22914 | pan Arrestin antibody | 200μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22915 | beta COP antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22919 | RNF31 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22921 | Rab11A antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22922 | GAP antibody [B4F8] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22925 | Hamster Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22928 | Heat Shock Protein 86 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22930 | PSD93 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22932 | IRF5 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22934 | ESE1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22936 | CABP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22938 | RANBP2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22948 | Cyclin A antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22950 | Cyclin C antibody | 500μl | 5000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22951 | Hamster Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22955 | CDK8 antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22956 | BRCA1 antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22963 | Hamster Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22964 | Cullin 1 antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22966 | Guinea Pig Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22969 | DNA polymerase gamma antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22972 | Transglutaminase 2 antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22973 | Rat Cerebellum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22975 | Guinea Pig Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22976 | APC2 antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22981 | alpha Catenin antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22985 | Guinea Pig Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22987 | Topoisomerase II alpha antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22989 | Guinea Pig Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22992 | VEGF antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22993 | Amphiregulin antibody | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22997 | Rat Brain (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX22999 | FAK antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23000 | Guinea Pig Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23002 | Rat Bladder (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23004 | Guinea Pig Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23005 | Guinea Pig Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23006 | Guinea Pig Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23007 | Guinea Pig Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23009 | Rat Adipose (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23012 | Bovine Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23013 | Bovine Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23014 | Bovine Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23015 | Bovine Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23016 | Bovine Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23017 | Bovine Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23018 | Bovine Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23019 | Bovine Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23020 | Bovine Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23021 | Bovine Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23022 | Bovine Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23023 | Bovine Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23024 | Porcine Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23025 | Porcine Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23026 | Porcine Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23027 | Porcine Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23028 | Porcine Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23029 | Porcine Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23030 | Porcine Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23031 | Porcine Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23032 | Porcine Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23033 | Porcine Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23034 | Porcine Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23035 | Porcine Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23036 | Human Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23037 | Rabbit Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23038 | Rabbit Salivary Gland (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23039 | Human Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23041 | Human Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23042 | Human Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23043 | Human Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23044 | Human Esophagus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23046 | Human Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23047 | Plant: Wheat (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23048 | Plant: Soy bean (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23049 | Plant: Rice (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23053 | Plant: Potato (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23054 | Plant: Orange (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23055 | Plant: Corn (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23056 | Plant: Arabidopsis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23058 | Mouse Testis (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23060 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Vagina (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23061 | Monkey (Rhesus) Vagina (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23062 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Uterus: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23063 | Monkey (Rhesus) Uterus: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23064 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Uterus: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23065 | Monkey (Rhesus) Uterus: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23066 | Mouse Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23067 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23068 | Monkey (Rhesus) Uterus: Cervix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23069 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Uterus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23070 | Monkey (Rhesus) Uterus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23071 | Mouse Small Intestine (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23072 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Ureter (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23073 | Monkey (Rhesus) Ureter (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23074 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Tonsil (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23075 | Monkey (Rhesus) Tonsil (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23079 | pS2 antibody [pS2.1] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23085 | Cyclin D2 antibody [DCS-3.1] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23086 | CAK1 antibody [MO-1.1] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23087 | Cyclin D2 antibody [DCS-3.1 + DCS-5.2] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23089 | HDJ2 antibody [KA2A5.6] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23090 | Fibrillin 1 antibody [11C1.3] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23092 | Collagen II antibody [5B2.5] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23093 | CD45 antibody [Bra55] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23094 | MOSP antibody [CE1] | 500μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23099 | 67kDa Laminin receptor antibody [MLuC5] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23104 | ErbB4 antibody [H4.77.16] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23107 | Ku80 antibody [111] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23108 | Ku70 + Ku80 antibody [162] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23109 | VEGF antibody [5C3.F8] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23111 | Topoisomerase II alpha antibody [3F6] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23112 | CDK4 antibody [DCS-35] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23113 | Syk antibody [4D10.1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23114 | Ku70 antibody [N3H10] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23116 | FYN antibody [1S] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23117 | Acidic Cytokeratin antibody [AE1] antibody | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23119 | HMW Keratin antibody [DE-SQ] | 500μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23121 | CD79a antibody [HM47/A9] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23122 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Tongue (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23125 | NGF receptor antibody [NGFR5] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23127 | Paxillin antibody [5H11] | 500μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23132 | PI 3 Kinase p85 alpha antibody [8-2D-4D] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23133 | XRCC1 antibody [33-2-5] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23137 | Filaggrin antibody [FLG01] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23138 | Smith Antigen antibody [Y12] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23141 | Ornithine Decarboxylase antibody [MP16-2] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23144 | MGMT antibody [MT 3.1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23147 | Monkey (Rhesus) Tongue (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23148 | Hsp70 antibody [W27] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23149 | Dystrophin antibody [1808] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23151 | Thymidine Phosphorylase antibody [P-GF.44C] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23156 | CD53 antibody [63-3 (Workshop V; Code CD53.1)] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23157 | Rabies virus antibody [Rab-50] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23159 | MMP9 antibody [GE-213] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23160 | TIMP1 antibody [102B1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23161 | TIMP2 antibody [T2-101] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23162 | MUC12 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23163 | DNA polymerase epsilon antibody [93H3A] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23165 | Adenovirus type 5 antibody [M58] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23167 | Integrin beta 1 / CD29 antibody [4B7R] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23170 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Thyroid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23171 | CDC2 antibody [DCS-120] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23175 | Monkey (Rhesus) Thyroid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23176 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Thymus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23177 | RuvA antibody [12C6] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23178 | RuvB antibody [4G5/1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23179 | RuvC antibody [5G9/3] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23180 | MVP antibody [1014] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23181 | DNA polymerase beta antibody [18S] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23182 | Maltose binding protein antibody [AG18] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23191 | Bax antibody [5B7] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23193 | Bcl-X antibody [2H12] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23196 | Moesin antibody [38/87] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23200 | L1CAM antibody [UJ127] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23204 | MMP3 antibody [SL-1 ID3] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23211 | MAGE 1 antibody [E22-11B2-E9] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23215 | Nck antibody [NC-20 (same as 20B-1H9)] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23216 | INK4c antibody [18P118 (same as DCS-118)] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23218 | KLK12 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23221 | E2F1 antibody [KH20] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23223 | p57 Kip2 antibody [KP39] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23224 | Monkey (Rhesus) Thymus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23226 | CDK5 antibody [DC17] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23228 | Mouse Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23232 | Adenovirus Fiber trimer antibody [2A6] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23233 | Adenovirus Fiber monomer and trimer antibody [4D2] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23234 | MMP11 antibody [SL3.01] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23238 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Throat (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23240 | Monkey (Rhesus) Throat (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23241 | AXUD1 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23243 | TRPM8 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23244 | Caspase 3 antibody [3CSP01 (7.1.44)] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23247 | SRC1 antibody [SRC01 (GT12)] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23248 | GRIP1 antibody [GRP01] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23249 | Caspase 8 antibody [8CSP03] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23251 | Mouse Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23252 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Testis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23257 | p53 (phospho Ser392) antibody | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23259 | SREBP1 antibody [2A4] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23261 | Filamin antibody [FLMN01 (PM6/317)] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23262 | Monkey (Rhesus) Testis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23267 | Rhodopsin antibody [RET-P1] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23268 | Astrocyte antibody [ASTRO1 (10E4/R5)] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23270 | CFTR antibody [MM13-4] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23271 | PTHR1 antibody [3D1.1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23276 | CD165 antibody [SN2] | 500μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23280 | beta Actin antibody [ACTN05 (C4)] | 500μl | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23285 | STAT4 antibody [ST4.01 (NB.34)] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23288 | Thyroid Hormone Receptor beta antibody [2386 (G10 / F11)] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23289 | Laminin S antibody [C4] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23291 | beta Galactosidase antibody [BGAL01] | 500μl | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23293 | Mouse Placenta (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23294 | NOTCH1 antibody [A6] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23296 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Stomach: Pylorus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23297 | Laminin B2 gamma 1 antibody [D18] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23299 | XPF antibody [51] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23301 | JAK3 antibody [A1-14-16] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23302 | ITK antibody [2F12] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23303 | Mouse Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23305 | Securin antibody [DCS-280] | 500μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23308 | TID1 antibody [RS11] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23309 | alpha Synuclein antibody [syn204] | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23312 | Tyrosinase Related Protein 75 antibody [TA99] | 500μl | 5700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23313 | Monkey (Rhesus) Stomach: Pylorus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23317 | Proteasome 19S Subunit S4 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23326 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Stomach: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23328 | Proteasome 20S LMP2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23330 | Proteasome 20S X antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23331 | Proteasome 20S Y antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23336 | RAB3C antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23337 | RAB3D antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23339 | SERCA3 ATPase antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23340 | SNAP-23 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23341 | Ubiquilin antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23344 | SynGAP antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23347 | VAMP2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23348 | VAMP4 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23349 | CAIN antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23352 | Blood Group antigen Precursor antibody [K21] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23353 | Blood Group A antigen antibody [T36] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23356 | Blood Group Lewis a antibody [T174] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23357 | Lewis B antibody [T218] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23359 | Blood Group Lewis y antibody [F3] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23360 | BCA225 antibody [CU18] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23362 | Mesothelin antibody [K1] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23363 | Monkey (Rhesus) Stomach: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23364 | P Glycoprotein antibody [C219] | 250μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23365 | P Glycoprotein antibody [C494] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23366 | P Glycoprotein antibody [JSB-1] | 250μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23367 | MVP antibody [LRP-56] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23368 | MRP1 antibody [MRPr1] | 250μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23369 | MRP1 antibody [QCRL1] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23370 | MRP1 antibody [QCRL3] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23372 | MRP2 antibody [M2I-4] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23373 | MRP2 antibody [M2 III-6] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23374 | MVP antibody [LMR5] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23376 | MRP3 antibody [M3II-21] | 250μl | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23377 | MRP5 antibody [M5I-1] | 250μl | 4600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23379 | BCRP antibody [BXP-34] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23380 | BCRP antibody [BXP-21] | 250μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23381 | MRP6 antibody [M6II-31] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23382 | CD99 antibody [013] | 500μl | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23383 | CASK antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23388 | IRF2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23391 | ARL2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23393 | HEC1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23393-PEP | HEC1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23394 | FOXG1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23396 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Stomach: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23397 | E tag antibody | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23398 | KT3 tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23399 | KT3 tag antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23400 | AU1 tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23401 | AU1 tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23402 | AU1 tag antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23403 | AU1 tag antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23404 | AU5 tag antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23405 | AU5 tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23406 | AU5 tag antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23411 | Monkey (Rhesus) Stomach: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23412 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Stomach: Cardia (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23414 | HSV tag antibody | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23415 | E tag antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23417 | Caveolin 2 (phospho Tyr19) antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23418 | Monkey (Rhesus) Stomach: Cardia (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23421 | PMP70 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23422 | PREB antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23424 | Rhodopsin antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23426 | BOB1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23428 | ICSBP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23430 | SCAMP 1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23431 | SCAMP 2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23432 | SCAMP 5 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23433 | Transducin beta antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23435 | visual Arrestin antibody | 200μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23437 | SAP97 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23438 | SAP102 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23439 | Serotonin N-AT (phopspho Thr29) antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23440 | Serotonin N-AT (phopspho Ser206) antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23443 | PER1 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23444 | Nicastrin antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23446 | NFAT5 antibody | 50μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23447 | NFAT3 antibody | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23448 | Mint1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23450 | Mint3 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23451 | Munc18 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23455 | Adiponectin antibody | 200μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23458 | Dynamin III antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23460 | Adenosine Receptor A1 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23461 | Adenosine receptor A2a antibody | 100μl | 5700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23463 | Mouse Lung (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23465 | CPEB antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23466 | Biliverdin Reductase A antibody | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23468 | gamma ENaC antibody | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23473 | KChIP2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23474 | KChIP3 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23475 | Kinesin 2 antibody | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23476 | Kinesin C2 antibody | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23477 | UCP3 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23478 | STARD3 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23479 | Sin3A antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23481 | Myosin VIIa antibody | 200μl | 4600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23482 | NCoR antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23483 | Neurabin 1 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23484 | PPAR alpha (phopspho Ser12) antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23487 | Vanilloid Receptor 1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23488 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23489 | Monkey (Rhesus) Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23490 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23491 | Monkey (Rhesus) Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23493 | DNMT3L antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23494 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Spinal cord (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23495 | Monkey (Rhesus) Spinal cord (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23496 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Small intestine: Jejunum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23497 | Monkey (Rhesus) Small intestine: Jejunum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23499 | LDB1 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23501 | Mouse Liver (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23503 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Small intestine: Ileum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23505 | Serotonin N-AT antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23506 | Serotonin N-AT antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23507 | Sodium/Calcium/Potassium Exchanger antibody | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23514 | Calpain S1 antibody [156] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23515 | Calpastatin antibody [2G11D6] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23516 | Calsequestrin antibody | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23518 | CRY1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23529 | PMCA2 ATPase antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23531 | Prion Protein antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23532 | PC1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23533 | PC2 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23540 | TRF42 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23542 | BRCA1 (phospho Ser1189) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23543 | Monkey (Rhesus) Small intestine: Ileum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23544 | BRCA1 (phospho Ser1280) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23545 | BRCA1 (phospho Ser1457) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23546 | beta-1 Adrenergic Receptor antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23547 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Small intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23551 | CaM Kinase I antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23553 | 6X His tag® antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23556 | VSV-G tag antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23557 | CaM Kinase IV antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23561 | Cannabinoid Receptor II antibody | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23567 | Cyclophilin D antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23576 | Estrogen Receptor beta antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23577 | Estrogen Receptor beta antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23586 | Maxi Potassium channel alpha antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23587 | Maxi K+ beta antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23589 | Calpain 1 antibody [9A4H8D3] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23590 | Monkey (Rhesus) Small intestine (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23591 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Skin (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23597 | Monkey (Rhesus) Skin (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23601 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23602 | Monkey (Rhesus) Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23604 | Mouse Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23605 | TLP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23608 | SAP130 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23610 | GCIP interacting p29 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23611 | RAGE antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23613 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Prostate (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23614 | BRCA1 (phospho Ser1466) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23615 | RFC2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23616 | RFC2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23618 | RFC4 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23619 | RFC5 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23625 | SERCA2 antibody | 50μl | 3700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23626 | Pescadillo antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23627 | Ldb2 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23628 | Monkey (Rhesus) Prostate (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23629 | APC10 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23630 | MAD2L2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23631 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Placenta (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23633 | Monkey (Rhesus) Placenta (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23634 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Penis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23635 | Monkey (Rhesus) Penis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23636 | KLKL1 antibody | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23637 | Rad51B antibody [1 H3/13] | 100μl | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23638 | Rad51D antibody [5B3/6] | 100μl | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23641 | BRIP1 antibody [pp15-IB4] | 100μl | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23642 | p14ARF antibody | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23644 | MMP14 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23645 | MMP15 antibody | 500μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23647 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Parotid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23648 | Adenovirus antibody [M58 + M73] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23649 | MUCC antibody [45M1] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23650 | Monkey (Rhesus) Parotid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23653 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23655 | GRB2 antibody [2GB04] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23656 | SENP1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23659 | SUV39H1 antibody [42AT239.96.72] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23660 | SENP2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23661 | Mouse Heart (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23663 | Monkey (Rhesus) Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23664 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Ovary (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23665 | Monkey (Rhesus) Ovary (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23669 | Rad51C antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23678 | p53 AIP1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23679 | STEAP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23680 | APRIL antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23683 | DEFCAP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23684 | ICEBERG antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23686 | F1A alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23687 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23690 | IRS2 (phospho Ser731) antibody | 50μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23691 | SOCS1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23692 | SOCS2 antibody | 50μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23693 | SOCS3 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23696 | SOX9 (phospho Ser181) antibody | 50μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23697 | SOX9 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23701 | Monkey (Rhesus) Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23702 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Diaphragm (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23703 | Monkey (Rhesus) Diaphragm (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23704 | Monkey (Rhesus) Lymph node (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23705 | Ap3D1 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23706 | AP1G1 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23707 | Ap2A antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23710 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Trachea (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23711 | P33 Ing1 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23715 | Monkey (Rhesus) Trachea (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23716 | ING5 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23717 | Pumilio 1 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23718 | BRD2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23719 | Claspin antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23720 | Claspin antibody | 50μl | 3700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23721 | Claspin antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23722 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23723 | MCM2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23724 | MCM3 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23725 | MCM3 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23726 | Monkey (Rhesus) Lung (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23728 | MCM4 antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23730 | MCM6 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23732 | MCM7 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23733 | MCM10 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23735 | Mouse Colon (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23736 | DMAP1 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23737 | DMAP1 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23741 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Liver: Right Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23743 | DIS antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23746 | KIF14 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23747 | KIF14 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23758 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Liver: Left Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23759 | AMPK alpha 1 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23760 | AMPK alpha 2 antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23761 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23763 | PRMT2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23765 | PRMT3 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23768 | PRMT1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23777 | Aggrecan antibody [BC-4] | 1ml | 6000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23779 | Monkey (Rhesus) Liver (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23782 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23783 | Monkey (Rhesus) Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23785 | Mouse Brain: Cerebellum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23787 | PRDM10 antibody [48AT1224.90.46] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23790 | PRDM2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23791 | PRDM2 antibody [33AT1045] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23792 | EVI1 antibody [47AT612.84.88] | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23794 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Heart: Pericardium (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23800 | Monkey (Rhesus) Heart: Pericardium (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23806 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23807 | Monkey (Rhesus) Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23808 | Topoisomerase I protein | 50μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23812 | Mouse Brain (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23815 | KIF4A antibody | 100μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23817 | PNK antibody | 50ug | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23818 | PMS1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23820 | IRE1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23823 | SETMAR antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23827 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Gallbladder (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23830 | COUP TF1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23832 | RING1B antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23834 | Artemis (Dclre1C Dna Cross-Link Repair 1C) antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23835 | Monkey (Rhesus) Gallbladder (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23836 | RAD23A antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23837 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Fallopian Tube (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23838 | Monkey (Rhesus) Fallopian Tube (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23840 | Mouse Bladder (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 9100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23842 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Esophagus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23845 | Monkey (Rhesus) Esophagus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23850 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Epididymis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23854 | RFC4 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23855 | Monkey (Rhesus) Epididymis (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23857 | AU5 tag antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23859 | KT3 tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23861 | VSV-G tag antibody | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23862 | VSV-G tag antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23863 | VSV-G tag antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23871 | MCF-7 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23872 | HEK293 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23874 | STO whole cell lysate | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23876 | Mouse intestine tissue lysate | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23878 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Small Intestine: Duodenum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23879 | Monkey (Rhesus) Small Intestine: Duodenum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23880 | Monkey (Rhesus) Ductus deferens (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23881 | Mouse 17-day Embryo (Embryo) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23887 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon transverse (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23888 | Mouse 15-day Embryo (Embryo) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23891 | ARIH1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23892 | RNF3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23893 | PSMF1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23904 | CCR10 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23910 | SynCAM antibody | 100μl | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23911 | Monopolin antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23913 | ELK (phospho Ser383) antibody | 10μg | 6400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23917 | CD18 antibody [IVA35] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23919 | Integrin alpha 2b + beta 3 antibody [IVA30] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23920 | CD62L antibody [IVA94] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23923 | CD9 antibody [IVA50] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23924 | Secretory Component Glycoprotein antibody [SC-05] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23927 | Cyclin E antibody [HE12] | 500μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23928 | p27 KIP1 antibody [DCS-72.F6] | 250μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23929 | p21 antibody [DCS-60.2] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23930 | Diablo antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23931 | Tau antibody [TAU-5] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23936 | PRDM16 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23937 | FUS2 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23938 | Rad51L1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23940 | Neuro D4 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23941 | SNX18 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23942 | RNF86 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23943 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon transverse (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23945 | PERP antibody | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23948 | Mouse 11-day Embryo (Embryo) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23950 | Caco 2 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23951 | Daudi cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23952 | HT 29 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23953 | MDA MB 361 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23954 | PC 3 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23955 | Ramos whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23956 | SK N SH whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23957 | SW480 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23958 | T24 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23959 | U937 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23960 | WI-38 whole cell lysate | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23961 | TAZ antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23962 | CRTR1 antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23967 | Blood Group Lewis a antibody [7LE] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23968 | Blood Group Lewis b antibody [2-25LE] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23972 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon sigmoid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23974 | Vimentin antibody [VI-RE/1] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23975 | HLA Class I antibody [MEM-81] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23976 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon sigmoid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23977 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon descending (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23978 | IL2-R alpha antibody [MEM-140] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23979 | CD45RB antibody [MEM-143] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23980 | alpha 1 Fetoprotein antibody [AFP-01] | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23981 | CD11a antibody [MEM-83] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23982 | Sialyl Lewis a antibody [121SLE] | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23983 | Intra Acrosomal Protein antibody [Hs-14] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23984 | HLA-E antibody [MEM-E/06] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23985 | CD3 antibody [MEM-92] | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23986 | CD162 antibody [TB5] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23987 | STAT1 antibody [SM1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23988 | NFATc4 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23989 | RNF93 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23990 | SNX15 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23991 | STAT1 (phospho Ser727) antibody [PSM1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23992 | NTAL antibody [NAP-07] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23994 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon descending (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23995 | MAD3 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23996 | PL6 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX23997 | DORFIN antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24001 | Human normal bladder tissue lysate | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24002 | RFPL1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24003 | PEX13 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24004 | EVC2 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24005 | Npap60 + Nup50 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24006 | Human breast normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24007 | Human bladder tumor tissue lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24008 | Human bladder normal tissue lysate (paired GTX24009) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24009 | Human bladder tumor tissue lysate (paired GTX24008) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24010 | Human breast normal tissue lysate (paired GTX24011) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24011 | Human breast tumor tissue lysate | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24012 | Human kidney normal tissue lysate (paired GTX24013) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24013 | Human kidney tumor tissue lysate (paired GTX24012) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24014 | Human lung normal tissue lysate (paired GTX24015) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24015 | Human lung tumor tissue lysate (paired GTX24014) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24016 | Human stomach normal tissue lysate (paired GTX24017) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24017 | Human stomach tumor tissue lysate (paired GTX24016) | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24018 | Mouse adipose normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24019 | Mouse adrenal normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24020 | Mouse bladder normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24021 | Mouse cerebellum normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24022 | Mouse cerebrum normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24023 | Mouse colon normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24024 | Mouse pancreas normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24025 | Mouse skin normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24026 | Mouse stomach normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24027 | Mouse testis normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24028 | Mouse thymus normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24029 | Mouse whole eye normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24030 | Rat adrenal normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24031 | Rat bladder normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24032 | Rat cerebellum normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24033 | Rat cerebrum normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24034 | Rat colon normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24035 | Rat whole eye normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24036 | Rat pancreas normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24037 | Rat skin normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24038 | Rat small intestine normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24039 | Rat stomach normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24040 | Rat testis normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24041 | Rat thymus normal tissue lysate | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24044 | MMP7 antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24050 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon ascending (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24051 | Caspase 3 antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24052 | Caspase 8 antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24053 | Caspase 9 antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24056 | CD79a antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24058 | p57 Kip2 antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24059 | Granzyme B antibody | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24062 | Caspase 6 antibody [6CSP03] | 500μl | 6200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24063 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon ascending (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24065 | IGF1 receptor antibody [24-31] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24066 | S100 antibody [4C4.9] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24067 | CFTR antibody [M3A7] | 500μl | 4900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24069 | Ezrin antibody [3C12] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24070 | E2F1 antibody [KH95] | 500μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24071 | E2F4 antibody [4E2F04] | 500μl | 4900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24072 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24077 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24079 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Cecum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24080 | HAUSP antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24082 | Monkey (Rhesus) Cecum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24083 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Breast (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24084 | Monkey (Rhesus) Breast (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24085 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Thalamus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24087 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Temporal Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24088 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24089 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24090 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Parietal Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24091 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Parietal Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24092 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Optic Nerve (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24093 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Occipital Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24094 | Btb1 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24095 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Occipital Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24096 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Medulla Oblongata (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24102 | MMP11 antibody [SL3.05] | 500μl | 4900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24103 | HHV8 antibody [LN35] | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24106 | DR5 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24107 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Medulla Oblongata (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24108 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Hippocampus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24110 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Hippocampus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24111 | IKK alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24112 | IKK alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24115 | Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody [RM-1] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24116 | Hepatitis B surface antigen antibody | 500μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24117 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Frontal Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24122 | ALS2CR2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24123 | ALS2CR1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24125 | MURF1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24128 | SNX11 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24129 | Monkey Testis (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24130 | SNX12 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24131 | Monkey Testis (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24147 | NUMB antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24148 | CBR1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24149 | Hsp22 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24150 | PARK7 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24152 | CITED2 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24153 | RNF92 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24156 | FRAT3 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24160 | RNF7 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24161 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Frontal Lobe (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24162 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Diencephalons (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24164 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Diencephalons (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24165 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Medulla Corpus Callosum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24167 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Medulla Corpus Callosum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24176 | Monkey (Rhesus) Cerebral Meninges (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24177 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain: Cerebral cortex (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24179 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain: Cerebral cortex (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24185 | Monkey (Rhesus) Cerebellum (right) (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24186 | Monkey (Rhesus) Cerebellum (left) (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24187 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Cerebellum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24188 | Monkey (Rhesus) Cerebral Peduncles (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24189 | PC2 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24190 | Monkey Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24191 | PNK antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24192 | Monkey Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24193 | SFRP1 antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24194 | DNA PKcs (phospho Thr2609) antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24195 | Monkey (Rhesus) Amygdala (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24196 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24198 | RNF6 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24199 | RASGRP 4 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24200 | ALS2CR3 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24201 | RNF36 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24202 | Monkey Spinal cord (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24203 | CD16 antibody [MEM-168] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24204 | WRCH1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24205 | CYT19 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24206 | PAG antibody [PAG-C1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24207 | CIAS1 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24208 | kappa Light chain antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24210 | MADM antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24211 | lambda Light chain antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24213 | GLIS1 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24216 | C4c / C4b antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24217 | Fibrinogen antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24218 | RNF24 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24219 | IgA antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24220 | Human IgG antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24224 | PHAPI2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24228 | Monkey Spinal cord (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24229 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24230 | Monkey (Rhesus) Blood Vessel: Vein (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24231 | Monkey (Rhesus) Blood Vessel: Artery (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24232 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Bladder (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24234 | Monkey (Rhesus) Bladder (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24235 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Appendix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24237 | Monkey (Rhesus) Appendix (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24240 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Adrenal (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24243 | IGFBP2 antibody [1.A.16] | 50μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24244 | IGFBP2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24258 | IGFBP6 antibody [1.A.19] | 50μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24260 | HGF antibody [0.N.326] | 125μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24261 | HGF protein | 10μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24262 | Monkey (Rhesus) Adrenal (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24264 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Adipose (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24268 | HNRNP M1-M4 antibody [3C181] | 50μl | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24269 | Histone H1 antibody [0.T.60] | 50μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24274 | Human Adipose (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24277 | DUSP14 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24279 | Protease Inhibitor 15 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24280 | PRDM10 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24282 | Human Adrenal (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24283 | Human Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24285 | CECR2 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24286 | Human Appendix (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24287 | Human Bladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24288 | RNF13 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24289 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24290 | Human Brain: Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24291 | Human Brain: Basal ganglia (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24292 | Human Brain: Cerebellar peduncles (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24293 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24294 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (left) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24295 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (right) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24296 | Human Brain: Cerebral Cortex (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24297 | Human Brain: Cerebral meninges (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24298 | Human Brain: Choroid Plexus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24299 | RNF23 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24300 | Human Brain: Corpora Mammillae (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24301 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24302 | GERP antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24303 | Human Brain: Diencephalon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24304 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24306 | ALMS1 antibody | 50ug | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24307 | Human Brain: insula (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24308 | Human Brain: medulla oblongata (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24309 | Human Brain: midBrain: (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24310 | Human Brain: occipital lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24311 | Human Brain: Olfactory (Region) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24313 | Parietal lobe (human): normal tissue slides | 5slide | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24316 | Human Pons (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24317 | Human Postcentral gyrus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24318 | Human Precentral gyrus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24319 | Human Temporal lobe (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24320 | Human Thalamus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24321 | Human Tonsilla cerebelli (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24322 | Human Tuberculum cinereum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24323 | Human Vermis cerebelli (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24324 | Human Breast (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24325 | Human Ductus deferens (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24326 | Human Epididymus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24327 | Human Colon (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24328 | Human Diaphragm (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24329 | Human Esophagus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24330 | Human Gallbladder (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24332 | Human Heart: Aortic Valve (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24333 | Human Heart: Arcus Aorta (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24334 | Human Heart: Pulmonary Artery (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24335 | Human Heart: Atrium (left): (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24336 | Human Heart: Atrium (right): (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24337 | Human Heart: Auricula (left) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24338 | Human Heart: Auricula (right) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24339 | Human Heart: Interventricular septum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24340 | Human Heart: Mitral Valve (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24341 | Human Heart: Papilla Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24342 | Human Heart: Pericardium (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24343 | Human Heart: pulmonic valve (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24344 | Human Heart: Tricuspid Valve (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24345 | Human Heart: Ventricle (left) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24346 | Human Heart: Ventricle (right) (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24347 | Human Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24348 | Human Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24349 | Human Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24350 | Human Lymph node (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24351 | MURF3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24355 | Human Parotid (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24356 | Human Penis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24357 | RNF31 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24360 | Human Placenta (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24361 | Human Prostate (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24362 | Human Rectum (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24366 | Human Skeletal muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24367 | RNF35 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24368 | Human Small intestine (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24369 | SSA1 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24370 | Human Spinal cord (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24371 | Human Stomach (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24372 | Human Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24373 | Human Testis (Normal) tissue | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24374 | Human Throat (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24376 | EDD antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24377 | Human Trachea (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24378 | Human Uterus (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24379 | Human Vagina (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24380 | Human Vein (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24382 | MERTK antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24383 | Human Adrenal (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24384 | Tb antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24385 | MPS1 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24386 | Monkey Skin (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24387 | MURF2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24388 | TRIM35 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24390 | Human Appendix (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24391 | Human Bladder (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24392 | Monkey Skin (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24393 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (left) (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24394 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (right) (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24395 | Human Brain: Diencephalon (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24396 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24397 | Human Brain: occipital lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24398 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24399 | Human Brain: Brain stem (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24400 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24401 | Human Colon (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24402 | Human Duodenum (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24403 | Human Diaphragm (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24404 | Human Esophagus (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24405 | Human Gallbladder (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24406 | Human Heart (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24407 | Human Kidney (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24408 | Human Liver (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24409 | Human Lung (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24410 | Human Trachea (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24411 | Human Skeletal muscle (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24414 | Human Parotid (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24415 | Human Prostate (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24416 | Human Rectum (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24417 | Human Skin (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24418 | Human Small intestine (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24419 | Human Spinal cord (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24421 | Human Stomach (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24423 | Human Throat (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24424 | Human Thymus (human fetal) | 5slide | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24425 | Human Thyroid (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24426 | Human Tongue (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24428 | Human Umbilical cord (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24429 | Human Ureter (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24430 | Human Uterus (Fetal Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24431 | Monkey (Rhesus) Adipose (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24437 | Human Stomach (mesothelioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24438 | Human Stomach (neuofibromatosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24440 | Rat Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24444 | Monkey Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24452 | Menin antibody | 50μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24453 | Monkey Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24454 | Rat Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24455 | SA1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24456 | Rat Placenta (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24457 | SA1 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24460 | MCM3 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24461 | MCM2 antibody | 50μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24462 | Rat Ovary (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24463 | SA2 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24464 | SA2 antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24465 | Rat Heart (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24470 | Survivin antibody [60.11] | 100μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24471 | Rat Brain (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24472 | beta 1 Arrestin (phospho Ser412) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24474 | BLNK (phospho Tyr84) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24476 | LAT (phospho Tyr132) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24479 | c-Abl (phospho Tyr245) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24480 | Rat Embryo (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24481 | Mouse 17-day Embryo (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24482 | Mouse 15-day Embryo (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24483 | Mouse 11-day Embryo (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24484 | Mouse Rectum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24485 | Mouse Placenta (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24486 | Mouse Ovary (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24487 | Monkey Pancreas (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24489 | Mouse Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24490 | Mouse Colon (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24493 | Mouse Cerebellum (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24494 | Human Raji (Human Lymphoma; B Lymphoma) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24495 | Human MCF 7 (Human Breast Adenocarcinoma) cell lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24496 | Monkey Lung (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24497 | Monkey Lung (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24498 | Human K 562 (Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia; Bone Marrow) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24499 | Human Jurkat (Human Acute T cell Leukemia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24500 | Human Hela (Cervix Adenocarcinoma) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24502 | Human A431 (Human Epidermoid Carcinoma) cell lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24503 | Monkey Liver (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24505 | Monkey Liver (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24508 | Human Uterus (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24510 | Human Umbilical Cord (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24512 | Monkey Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24513 | Monkey Kidney (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24515 | Human Tonsil (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24516 | Human Tongue (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24517 | Human Thyroid (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24518 | Human Thymus (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24519 | Monkey Heart (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24521 | Human Throat (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24524 | Human Testis (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24526 | Human Stomach (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24527 | TRIM4 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24528 | Human Spleen (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24529 | Human Spinal Cord (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24530 | Human Small intestine (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24531 | Human Skin (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24532-PEP | TRIM6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24533 | TRIP / TRAIP antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24533-PEP | TRIP/TRAIP blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24534-PEP | DMBX1/OTX3/MBX blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24535 | GPS1 / COPS1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24535-PEP | GPS1/COPS1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24536 | Human Rectum (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24537 | CSN2 / TRIP15 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24537-PEP | CSN2/TRIP15 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24540-PEP | PJA1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24541 | GNIP / TRIM7 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24541-PEP | GNIP/TRIM7 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24542 | ZNF230 / RNF141 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24542-PEP | ZNF230/RNF141 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24543-PEP | COPS4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24544 | MDA5 / IFIH1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24544-PEP | MDA5/IFIH1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24545 | JIP3 / Syd2 / JSAP1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24545-PEP | JIP3/Syd2/JSAP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24546 | USP4 / UNP antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24546-PEP | USP4/UNP blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24547-PEP | PDCD2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24548 | Human Prostate (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24549 | VAV2 antibody, Internal | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24549-PEP | VAV2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24550 | Human Parotid (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24551 | SORBS1 / Ponsin antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24551-PEP | SORBS1/Ponsin (C Terminus) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24552-PEP | SNF5 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24553 | USP6 / TRE2 / TRE17 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24553-PEP | USP6/TRE2/TRE17 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24554-PEP | USP14/TGT blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24563 | Human Ovary (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24566 | Fibrillarin antibody [38F3] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24568 | Human Skeletal Muscle (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24569 | Intra Acrosomal Protein antibody [Hs-8] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24570 | HLA-G antibody [MEM-G/11] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24571 | 68kDa Neurofilament antibody [1D2] | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24572 | 70 kDa Neurofilament Light antibody [DA2] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24574 | Lys 20p + 21p antibody [31F5] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24575 | p antibody [28F2] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24578 | Human Diaphragm (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24581 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24582 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24584 | Human Brain: occipital lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24585 | Human Brain: parietal lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24586 | Human Brain: pons (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24587 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24589 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Alzheimer's Disease) slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24592 | Human Trachea (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24593 | Human Kidney (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24594 | Human Liver (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24595 | Human Lung (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24596 | Human Pancreas (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24597 | Human Spleen (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24598 | Human Kidney (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24599 | Human Liver (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24600 | Human Lung (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24601 | Human Pancreas (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24602 | Human Spleen (Lupus) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24603 | Mouse Adipose (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24604 | Mouse Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24605 | Mouse Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24606 | Mouse Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24607 | Mouse Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24608 | Mouse Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24609 | Mouse Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24610 | Mouse Pancreas (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24611 | Human Pancreas (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24612 | Mouse Placenta (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24613 | Mouse Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24614 | Mouse Testis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24615 | Rat Adipose (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24616 | Rat Brain (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24617 | Rat Heart (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24618 | Rat Kidney (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24619 | Rat Liver (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24620 | Rat Lung (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24621 | Rat Skeletal muscle (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24622 | Rat Pancreas (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24623 | Rat Placenta (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24624 | Rat Spleen (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24625 | Rat Testis (Normal) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24628 | Human Adipose (lipoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24629 | Human Lung (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24631 | Human Adrenal (adenoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24634 | Human Liver (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24636 | Human Kidney (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24638 | Nop2p antibody [22G1] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24639 | Nop5p + Nop58p antibody [34B12] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24640 | Nop5p + Nop6p antibody [37C12] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24641 | Nsp1p antibody [32D6] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24642 | Nsr1p antibody [31C4] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24643 | Human Gallbladder (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24644 | PDI1 antibody [38H8] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24645 | Pma1 antibody [40B7] | 250μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24647 | Human Esophagus (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24648 | Human Small Intestine: Duodenum (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24649 | Human Colon (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24650 | Monkey Colon (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24651 | Monkey Colon (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24652 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24653 | Human Brain: Brain Stem (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24654 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24657 | Human Adrenal (myelolipoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24658 | Human Angioma (cavernous hemangioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24659 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24660 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24661 | Human Brain: Diencephalon (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24662 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (left) (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24663 | Human Angioma (glomus tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24664 | Human Brain (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24665 | Human Angioma (hemangioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24666 | Human Bladder (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24667 | Human Appendix (adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24668 | Human Bladder (papillary transitional cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24669 | Human Bone (chondroblastic osteosarcoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24670 | Human Bone (chondroma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24672 | Human Bone (chondrosarcoma - grade I-II) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24673 | Human Bone (chondrosarcoma - well differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24675 | Human Bone (giant cell - grade I-II) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24677 | Human Bone (synovial sarcoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24678 | Human Brain (astrocytoma - grade I) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24679 | Human Brain (astrocytoma - grade II) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24681 | Human Brain (astrocytoma - grade III) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24682 | Human Brain (craniopharyngioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24683 | Human Brain (ependymal glioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24686 | Human Brain (ependymoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24687 | Human Brain (gliocytoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24689 | Human Brain (oligodendroglioma - malignant) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24690 | Human Brain (meningioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24691 | Human Brain (meningioma - fibrous) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24692 | Human Brain (meningioma - necrotic) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24693 | Human Brain (oligodendroglioma+astrocytoma [mixed glioma]) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24694 | Human Brain (astrocytoma (pilocytic) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24695 | Human Brain (adenoma, pituitary with oncocytic cell type) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24696 | Human Breast (fibroadenoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24697 | Human Breast (invasive ductal carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24698 | Human Breast (lobular carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24699 | Human Breast (hyperplasia (male)) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24700 | Human Breast (medullary carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24701 | Human Breast (Adenocarcinoma - mucous) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24702 | Human Colon (adenocarcinoma tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24703 | Human Colon (adenocarcinoma - mucoid) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24704 | Human Colon (adenocarcinoma - ulcer) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24709 | Human Colon (non Hodgkin's lymphoma - diffuse) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24710 | Human Colon (non Hodgkin's lymphoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24715 | Human Esophagus (squamous cell carcinoma - moderay differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24716 | Human Esophagus (squamous cell carcinoma - poorly diferentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24719 | Human Vagina (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24720 | Myosin Light chain (phospho Ser19) antibody | 50μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24724 | Human Thyroid (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24725 | Human Testis (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24731 | WHIP antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24733 | Human Stomach (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24736 | ATF2 (phospho Thr71) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24738 | Human Spleen (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24740 | STAT3 (phospho Tyr705) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24741 | Human Spleen (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24743 | SmarcAL1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24744 | Human Spleen (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24745 | Human Spinal cord (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24746 | HUS1B antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24749 | Tau (phospho Ser199) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24750 | MEK1 + MEK2 (phospho Ser222) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24752 | Apg12 antibody | 250μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24753 | Apg8 antibody | 250μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24754 | Hub1 antibody | 500μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24755 | Urm1 antibody | 500μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24757 | MEK2 (phospho Thr394) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24758 | Human Spinal cord (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24760 | MEK4 (phospho Ser257/Thr261) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24762 | MEK7 (phospho Ser271/Thr275) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24763 | VAV1 (phospho Tyr160) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24764 | VAV3 (phospho Tyr173) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24767 | c-Raf (phospho Ser621) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24768 | c-Raf (phospho Ser338/Tyr340) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24769 | c-Raf (phospho Tyr340/Tyr341) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24772 | EIF4G (phospho Ser1108) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24773 | Human Small intestine: Jejunum (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24774 | EIF4E (phospho Ser209) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24775 | EIF2B epsilon (phospho Ser539) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24776 | IRS1 (phospho Ser616) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24777 | Rb (phospho Ser612) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24778 | Rb (phospho Ser780) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24779 | Rb (phospho Thr826) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24780 | Rb (phospho Thr356) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24783 | Rb (phospho Ser807/Ser811) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24787 | Rb (phospho Thr821) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24788 | Rb (phospho Ser249) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24789 | Lamin A/C antibody [JoL3] | 1ml | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24790 | FAK (phospho Ser722) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24792 | FAK (phospho Ser732) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24794 | FAK (phospho Ser910) antibody | 50μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24795 | Human Small Intestine: Jejunum (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24798 | FAK (phospho Tyr577) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24799 | Human Small intestine: Ileum (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24800 | PYK2 (phospho Tyr402) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24801 | PYK2 (phospho Tyr881) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24803 | FAK (phospho Tyr397) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24804 | FAK (phospho Tyr861) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24805 | PYK2 (phospho Tyr579) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24807 | PYK2 (phospho Tyr579/Tyr580) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24810 | Human Small Intestine: Ileum (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24814 | FAK (phospho Tyr407) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24815 | FAK (phospho Tyr576) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24816 | SRC (phospho Tyr418) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24818 | PKR (phospho Thr451) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24819 | ERK1 + ERK2 (phospho Thr185+Thr202+Tyr204+Tyr187) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24821 | JNK1 + JNK2 (phospho Thr183/Tyr185) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24822 | p38 (phospho Thr180/Tyr182) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24825 | Lamin B antibody [X223] | 1ml | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24828 | Phospholipase C1 gamma (phospho Tyr783) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24831 | PARP cleaved antibody (FITC) | 500μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24832 | Paxillin (phospho Tyr31) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24833 | Paxillin (phospho Tyr118) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24834 | MLH3 antibody | 100μg | 4200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24835 | Human Small intestine (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24836 | TRIM36 / RNF98 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24836-PEP | TRIM36/RNF98 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24837 | EIF2A (phospho Ser52) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24838-PEP | BFP/ZNF179 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24841 | Tau (phospho Thr205) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24842 | Tau (phospho Thr212) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24844 | Human Gallbladder (adenocarcinoma - moderay differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24845 | Human Gallbladder (adenocarcinoma - poorly differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24846 | Tau (phospho Ser214) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24847 | Human Gallbladder (adenocarcinoma - well differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24849-PEP | USP3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24850 | USP15 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24850-PEP | USP15 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24851 | Tau (phospho Thr217) antibody | 37μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24853-PEP | USP16/UBP-M blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24854 | Human Kidney (clear cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24856 | Tau (phospho Ser262) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24857 | Tau (phospho Ser356) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24858 | Tau (phospho Ser396) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24859 | Tau (phospho Ser400) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24861 | Tau (phospho Ser409) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24862 | Tau (phospho Ser422) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24863 | ECT2 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24863-PEP | ECT2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24864 | Tau (phospho Ser199/Ser202) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24865 | IRS1 (phospho Ser312) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24866 | Human Kidney (papillary renal cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24867 | Human Kidney (renal cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24868 | IRS1 (phospho Tyr612) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24871 | Human Kidney (Wilm's tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24873 | IRS1 (phospho Tyr896) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24874 | Human Liver (adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24875 | Human Liver (cholangiocellular carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24876 | Human Liver (hepatoblastoma - epithelial type) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24877 | Human Liver (hepatocellular carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24878 | Human Liver (nodulous hepatocellular carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24879 | Human Lung (adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24880 | Human Lung (squamous cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24882 | IRS1 (phospho Tyr941) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24886 | Human Lung (large cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24888 | IRS1 (phospho Tyr1179) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24890 | SHC (phospho Tyr239/Tyr240) antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24892 | Human Lung (small cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24893 | Human Lymph node (non Hodgkin's lymphoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24894 | Human Lymph node (non Hodgkin's lymphoma- T cell) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24895 | Human Lymph node (reactive hyperplasia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24896 | Lck antibody antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24898 | Lck (phospho Ser158) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24899 | Human Skin (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24900 | Lck (phospho Tyr192) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24901 | Lck (phospho Tyr505) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24904 | Cortactin (phospho Tyr421) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX24987 | Epithelial Sodium Channel alpha peptide | 50μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25001 | Human Skin (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25008 | Human Rectum (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25029 | Human Ovary (papillary cystadenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25032 | Human Prostate (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25036 | Human Pancreas (adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25037 | Human Pancreas (adenocarcinoma (moderay differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25038 | Human Pancreas (Islet cell tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25045 | Human Parotid (pleomorphic adenoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25046 | Human Pars cervicalis tumor carotid body tumor) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25049 | Human Pelvus (Malignant mesothelioma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25051 | Human Prostate (adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25052 | Human Prostate (neoplasia) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25060 | FOXC2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25060-PEP | FOXC2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25061 | FOXD2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25061-PEP | FOXD2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25062-PEP | FOXE3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25063 | FANCA antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25064 | FANCE antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25066 | Human Pancreas (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25067 | Human Pancreas (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25068 | Monkey Brain (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25069 | Monkey Brain (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25073 | STAT3 (isoform 1/2) antibody | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25073-PEP | STAT3 (isoform 1 and 2) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25074 | FOXA2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25074-PEP | FOXA2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25075 | MTMR9 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25075-PEP | MTMR9 (C Terminus) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25078 | USP21 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25079 | FOXC1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25079-PEP | FOXC1 (C Term) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25080 | FOXE1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25080-PEP | FOXE1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25081-PEP | FOXF1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25082 | ARH / LDL receptor adaptor antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25082-PEP | ARH/LDL receptor adaptor blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25083 | Human Pancreas (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25084 | Human Ovary (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25085 | Human Skeletal Muscle (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25086-PEP | USP28 (C-term) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25088 | REV1L antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25088-PEP | REV1L blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25089 | FOXA1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25089-PEP | FOXA1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25090 | Lamin A/C antibody [JoL5] | 1ml | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25091 | Human Diaphragm (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25093 | CENP-E antibody [1H12] | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25094 | FOXD1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25094-PEP | FOXD1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25096 | FOXL2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25096-PEP | FOXL2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25098 | FOXQ1 / FKHRL1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25098-PEP | FOXQ1/FKHRL1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25099 | Human Skin (Basal cell carcinoma, face) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25100 | Human Skin (fibrosarcoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25101 | Human Skin (malignant melanoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25106 | Human Skin (squamous cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25107 | Human Skin (squamous cell carcinoma (well differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25108 | Human Small intestine: Duodenum (Adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25114 | Human Stomach (adenocarcinoma - poorly differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25115 | Human Stomach (squamous cell carcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25116 | Human Stomach (adenocarcinoma - moderay differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25117 | Human Stomach (adenocarcinoma - well differentiated) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25129 | Human Testis (seminoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25134 | Human Throat (squamous cell carcinoma of pharynx) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25142 | Human Thyroid (nodular goiter) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25144 | Human Thyroid (papillary adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25146 | Human Tonsil (lymphoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25150 | Human Uterus (endometrial adenocarcinoma) tissue slides | 5slide | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25154 | Human Lymph node (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25158 | Human Lung (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25159 | Human Lung (Pulmonary embolism) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25164 | Human Lung (Pneumonia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25165 | Human Lung (Emphysema) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25166 | Human Lung (Bronchitis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25167 | Human Lung (Asthma) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25170 | Human Lung (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25172 | Monkey (Rhesus) Testis (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25177 | Monkey (Rhesus) Spleen (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25180 | Monkey (Rhesus) Spinal cord (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25184 | Integrin alpha 4 (phospho Ser988) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25185 | Integrin beta 1 / CD29 (phospho Ser785) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25189 | Integrin beta 1 / CD29 (phospho Thr788/Thr789) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25190 | Integrin beta 3 (phospho Tyr773) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25191 | Integrin beta 3 (phospho Tyr785) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25192 | FOXN2 / HTLF antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25192-PEP | FOXN2/HTLF blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25193 | Monkey (Rhesus) Skin (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25198 | FBXL6 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25198-PEP | FBXL6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25199 | FBXL10 / PCCX2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25199-PEP | FBXL10/PCCX2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25202 | Monkey (Rhesus) Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25209 | Monkey (Rhesus) Pancreas (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25231 | p70 S6K (phospho Thr229) antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25243 | eIF2A peptide-phospho Ser51 (phospho and non-phospho pair) | 1pack | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25245 | GATA4 (phospho Ser105) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25246 | NFAT1 (phospho Ser54) antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25247 | PAK1 + PAK2 + PAK3 (phospho Ser141) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25250 | Nesprin 1 antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25253 | p38 peptide-phospho Thr180/Tyr182 (phospho and non-phospho pair) | 1pack | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25254 | JNK1+JNK2 peptide-phospho Thr183/Tyr185 (phospho and non-phospho pair) | 1pack | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25262 | MARK4 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25262-PEP | MARK4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25263 | RANBP8 / IPO8 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25263-PEP | RANBP8/IPO8 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25264 | SUV39H2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25264-PEP | SUV39H2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25266 | FBI1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25267 | MEL18 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25267-PEP | MEL18 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25268-PEP | TAF172 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25269 | USP11 / UHX1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25269-PEP | USP11/UHX1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25270-PEP | FCP1/CTDP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25271 | SCP / RAG1AP1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25271-PEP | SCP/RAG1AP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25272 | USP20 / VDU2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25272-PEP | USP20/VDU2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25273-PEP | USP26 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25274 | FOXB1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25274-PEP | FOXB1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25275-PEP | FOXH1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25276 | BCOR / BCL6 co-repressor antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25276-PEP | BCOR/BCL6 co-repressor blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25278 | Monkey (Rhesus) Ovary (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25283 | PKC mu antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25285 | PKC nu antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25286 | PKC nu antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25287 | Monkey (Rhesus) Lung (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25290 | Monkey (Rhesus) Liver (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25295 | RANBPM / RANBP9 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25295-PEP | RANBPM/RANBP9 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25297 | Monkey (Rhesus) Kidney (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25298 | FOXK2 / ILF (isoform 1) antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25298-PEP | FOXK2/ILF (isoform 1) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25299 | AGAP1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25299-PEP | AGAP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25300 | NIPP1 / PPP1R8 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25300-PEP | NIPP1/PPP1R8 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25305 | FBXL12 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25305-PEP | FBXL12 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25307 | FBXO6 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25307-PEP | FBXO6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25309 | FBXW2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25309-PEP | FBXW2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25311 | TCF19 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25311-PEP | TCF19 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25331 | IRS1 peptide-phospho Ser616 (phospho and non-phospho pair) | 1pack | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25339 | Monkey (Rhesus) Heart (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25347 | STAT1 peptide-phospho Ser727 (phospho and non-phospho pair) | 1pack | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25360 | FANCD2 antibody [FI-17] | 100μl | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25363 | Monkey (Rhesus) Colon (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25367 | EGFR antibody [Cocktail R19/48 (111.6 + 199.12 + F4 + 11E8)] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25368 | EGFR antibody [199.12] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25369 | EIF2A antibody [EIF2a] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25370 | Insulin receptor beta antibody [CT-1] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25373 | Integrin alpha 2 antibody [31H4] | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25376 | Eph Receptor A1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25378 | CD18 antibody [WT.3] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25385 | EphA1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25388 | Monkey (Rhesus) Brain (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25393 | Livin antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25396 | EphA4 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25397 | EphA5 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25398 | EphA5 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25401 | RNA polymerase II CTD antibody [8A7] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25402 | Huntingtin interacting protein antibody [4B10] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25403 | Huntingtin interacting protein antibody [1B11] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25404 | Huntingtin interacting protein antibody [1C5] | 100μl | 5100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25405 | TERT antibody [2D8] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25407 | SRC1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25409 | Blooms Syndrome protein blm antibody [BFL-103] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25410 | Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase antibody [CAT-1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25411 | EphA7 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25413 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Testis (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25417 | Rhodopsin antibody [1D4] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25418 | EphB2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25419 | RGS9-1 antibody [D7] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25420 | GCAP1 antibody [G2] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25421 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Spleen (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25422 | GCAP2 antibody [A1] | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25424 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Spinal cord (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25425 | EphB2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25428 | MKK3 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25429 | Elg 1 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25432 | ATP Synthase beta antibody [4.3E8.D10] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25438 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Skin (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25439 | HSP70 antibody [3A3] | 50μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25440 | PKN beta antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25441 | Calpain 1 antibody [2H2A7C2] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25442 | HSP70 antibody [2A4] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25443 | PDGFR alpha + beta (phospho Tyr572/Tyr574) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25444 | HSP70 antibody [4G4] | 50μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25446 | Blooms Syndrome protein blm antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25451 | VPS34 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25452 | PDGFR alpha (phospho Tyr742) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25454 | Raptor antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25458 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Skeletal Muscle (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25459 | PI3-Kinase p150 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25460 | PDGFR alpha (phospho Tyr754) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25462 | PI 4 Kinase 2 beta antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25464 | VEGFR-2 (phospho Tyr951) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25465 | T Cell receptor antibody [JOVI.1] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25466 | PIP5K1 alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25467 | CDC2 antibody [Y100.4] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25468 | PIP5K1 beta antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25469 | PIP5K2 alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25470 | ErbB3 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25472 | VEGFR-2 (phospho Tyr1054) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25473 | VEGFR-2 (phospho Tyr1054/Tyr1059) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25475 | VEGFR-2 (phospho Tyr1214) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25476 | FGFR2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25477 | ORC1 antibody [TK 1/2] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25478 | HSP60 antibody [4B9/89] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25479 | HSP60 antibody [2E1/53] | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25481 | FGFR4 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25482 | RAC1 + CDC42 (phospho Ser71) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25484 | PDI antibody [RL77] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25486 | Heat Shock Protein 60 antibody [A57-E4] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25487 | SMAD2 (phospho Thr8) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25492 | Thyrotropin Receptor antibody [49] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25493 | JAK1 (phospho Tyr1022/Tyr1023) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25494 | Calmodulin antibody [6D4] | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25498 | Bid (p15-specific ) antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25503 | Triadin antibody [IIG12] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25507 | LTK antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25508 | DDR1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25510 | MUSK antibody | 100μg | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25511 | PDGFR beta antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25512 | ROS antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25513 | RYK antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25518 | RYK antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25520 | DDR2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25522 | IRAK antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25523 | IRAK2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25524 | 293 (human kidney; transformed with adenovirus 5 DNA) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25525 | A431 (human epidermoid carcinoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25526 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Lung (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25527 | A-549 (human lung carcinoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25529 | HeLa S3 (human cervix; adenocarcinoma ) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25530 | HepG2 (human liver; hepatocellular carcinoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25532 | HL-60 (human promyeloblast; acute promyelocytic leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25533 | Jurkat (human [E6-1] T lymphocyte; acute T cell leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25534 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Liver (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25535 | K-562 (human bone marrow; chronic myelogenous leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25536 | MCF-7 (human breast; epithelial; pleural effusion adenocarcinoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25537 | MOLT-4 (human T lymphoblast; acute lymphoblastic leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25538 | Raji (human B lymphocyte; Burkitt's lymphoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25540 | THP-1 (human monocyte; acute monocytic leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25541 | A-20 (mouse B lymphocyte; reticulum cell sarcoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25542 | C2C12 (mouse muscle; myoblast) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25544 | EL-4 (mouse T lymphocyte; lymphoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25545 | L1210 (mouse lymphocytic leukemia) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25546 | NIH 3T3 (mouse (mouse embryo) ) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25547 | P815 (mouse mast cell; mastocytoma) cell line slides | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25548 | RAW 264.7 (mouse Abelson murine leukemia virus -induced tumor) cell line slides | 5slide | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25549 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Kidney (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25554 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Colon (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25556 | Monkey (Cynomolgus) Brain (Normal) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25560 | Monkey Universal Total Protein (Normal) | 2x0.5mg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25561 | Human Lung (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25562 | Cell line array slides I: 293, A431, A-549, Hela S3, Hep G2 and MCF-7 | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25563 | Human Liver: Right Lobe (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25564 | Cell line array slides II: HL-60, Jurkat, K-562, MOLT-4, Raji and THP-1 | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25565 | Cell line array slides: A-20, EL-4, L1210, NIH-3T3, P815 and RAW 264.7 | 5slide | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25566 | Human Liver: Left Lobe (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25567 | Human Liver (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25568 | Human Liver (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25569 | Human Liver (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25570 | Human Kidney (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25571 | Human Kidney (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25572 | Human Kidney (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25573 | Human Heart Ventricle, right (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25574 | Human Heart Ventricle, right (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25575 | Human Heart Ventricle, left (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25576 | Human Heart Ventricle, left (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25580 | Human Whole Eye (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 12100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25581 | Heat Shock Prot. 27 (phopspho Ser15) antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25582 | Calpastatin antibody [1F7E3D10] | 100μl | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25584 | Human Heart: Pericardium (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25585 | Human Heart Interventricular Septum (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25587 | Human Heart Interventricular Septum (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25590 | Human Atrium, right (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25591 | Human Atrium, right (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25592 | Phosphotyrosine antibody [IG2] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25595 | alpha A Crystallin antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25602 | IRS1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25603 | IRS1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25604 | IRS1 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25606 | Human Vagina (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25608 | Human Atrium, left (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25610 | Human Atrium, left (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25612 | MEK1 (phospho Thr292) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25613 | MEK1 (phospho Ser298) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25614 | Human Uterus: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25615 | MEK1 (phospho Thr386) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25616 | c-Kit (phospho Tyr568/Tyr570) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25617 | GnRH antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25619 | MUSK antibody | 200μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25620 | Proteosome Activator, 200 kDa antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25621 | Thyroid Hormone Receptor alpha antibody | 100μl | 4600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25633 | c-Kit (phospho Tyr730) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25634 | c-Kit (phospho Tyr823) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25635 | c-Kit (phospho Tyr936) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25636 | EGFR (phospho Tyr845) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25637 | PSAP / MTCH1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25637-PEP | PSAP/MTCH1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25638 | EGFR (phospho Tyr992) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25639 | BAP / SIL1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25639-PEP | BAP/SIL1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25641-PEP | NUMBL blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25642 | PTBP1 / PTB antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25642-PEP | PTBP1/PTB blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25644 | EGFR (phospho Tyr1068) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25645 | SAE1 / AOS1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25645-PEP | SAE1/AOS1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25646 | SAE2 / UBA2 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25646-PEP | SAE2/UBA2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25647 | OSBP2 / ORP4 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25647-PEP | OSBP2/ORP4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25648-PEP | OSBPL6/ORP6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25649 | DSS1 / SHFM1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25649-PEP | DSS1/SHFM1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25650 | EGFR (phospho Tyr1086) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25652 | EGFR (phospho Tyr1173) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25654 | ErbB2 (phospho Tyr1248) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25656 | c-Met (phospho Tyr1003) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25657 | PKC delta (phospho Ser645) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25658 | PKC delta (phospho Ser664) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25659 | PDE6 alpha antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25660 | PDE6 alpha' antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25662 | c-Met (phospho Tyr1230/Tyr1234/Tyr1235) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25663 | PDE6 beta antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25664 | PDE6 gamma antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25665 | PDE6 delta antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25666 | SNAP-25 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25667 | Parkin antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25668 | Fe65 antibody | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25669 | c-Met (phospho Tyr1349) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25672 | c-Met (phospho Tyr1365) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25673 | Dab1 (phospho Tyr198) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25674 | PKC theta (phospho Thr538) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25678 | Insulin receptor (phospho Tyr972) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25680 | Insulin receptor (phospho Tyr1162/Tyr1163) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25681 | Insulin receptor (phospho Tyr1158/Tyr1162/Tyr1163) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25682 | IKB alpha (phospho Ser32/Ser36) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25683 | CaMKII alpha (phospho Thr286) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25686 | ERK5[pTpY218/220] antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25690 | CD3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25691 | CD79a antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25692 | CIDE A antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25694 | Actin smooth muscle antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25699 | EGFR (phospho Tyr1016) antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25703 | MMP1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25704 | MMP2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25708 | MMP10 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25711 | Caspase 4 antibody | 50μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25712 | Caspase 8 antibody | 50μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25713 | Bcl-X antibody [2H12] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25714 | Bax antibody [6A7] | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25715 | DC-SIGN antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25716 | DC-SIGN antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25729 | Human Heart (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25731 | MMP11 antibody | 50μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25737 | MMP16b antibody | 50μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25738 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25739 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (FITC) | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25741 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25743 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (TxRd) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25744 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (Biotin) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25745 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (HRP) | 500μg | 3200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25746 | Armenian Hamster IgG (H+L) antibody (AP) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25748 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25750 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25751 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25752 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25753 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25756 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25757 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25758 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (FITC) | 500μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25759 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25760 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25761 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25762 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25763 | Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25766 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (TxRd) | 250μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25776 | Dab1 (phospho Ser491) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25778 | PKC gamma (phospho Thr514) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25782 | PKC beta 1 (phospho Thr642) antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25783 | MAD1L1 antibody [9B10] antibody [9B10] | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25785 | PKC beta 2 (phospho Thr641) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25786 | Estrogen Receptor beta antibody | 50μg | 4600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25794 | c-Fos antibody | 200μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25796 | PKC gamma (phospho Thr655) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25797 | PKC gamma (phospho Thr674) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25798 | PKC eta (phospho Thr655) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25810 | Human Uterus: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25811 | PKC epsilon (phospho Ser729) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25812 | PKC theta (phospho Ser695) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25813 | PKC iota + PKC lambda (phospho Thr555/Thr563) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25815 | PKA alpha + beta (phospho Thr197) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25816 | PKA beta (phospho Ser338) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25817 | PKC beta 1 + PKC beta 2 (phospho Thr500) antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25820 | 58K Golgi protein antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25824 | Human Heart (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25826 | Human Heart (Congestive Heart Failure) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25828 | Y14 antibody [4C4] | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25829 | PKA 2 beta antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25831 | SMN antibody [2B1] | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25832 | HNRNP A1 antibody [9H10] | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25844 | Human Uterus (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25870 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (HRP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25871 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25872 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25874 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (FITC) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25875 | Human Heart (Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25876 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25877 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Biotin) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25879 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25880 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25881 | Mouse IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, pre-adsorbed (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25882 | Mouse IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, pre-adsorbed | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25883 | Mouse IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, pre-adsorbed (FITC) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25884 | Mouse IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, pre-adsorbed (TxRd) | 500μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25885 | Mouse IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25886 | Mouse IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Biotin) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25888 | Mouse IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, pre-adsorbed (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25898 | BAG3 / BIS/ CAIR1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25898-PEP | BAG3/BIS/ CAIR1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25899 | Amisyn / STXBP6 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25899-PEP | Amisyn/STXBP6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25901 | SUSP1 / SSP1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25901-PEP | SUSP1/SSP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25902 | Cyclophilin D antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25904 | Retinoic Acid Receptor gamma-1 antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25908 | IP3 Receptor I antibody | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25911 | CENTD3 / ARAP3 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25911-PEP | CENTD3/ARAP3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25912 | CENTD2 / ARAP1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25912-PEP | CENTD2/ARAP1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25913 | GNRPX / PLEKHJ1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25913-PEP | GNRPX/PLEKHJ1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25914 | NET1 / ARHGEF8 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25914-PEP | NET1/ARHGEF8 (C Terminus) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25915 | OSBP1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25915-PEP | OSBP1 (C Terminus) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25919 | AKT1 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25921 | ORP2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25921-PEP | ORP2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25930 | Mouse IgM (mu chain) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25931 | Mouse IgM (mu chain) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25933 | ORP7 / OSBPL7 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25933-PEP | ORP7/OSBPL7 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25934 | ORP11 / OSBPL11 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25934-PEP | ORP11/OSBPL11 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25935 | PEPP3 / PLEKHA6 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25935-PEP | PEPP3/PLEKHA6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25938 | TIMP2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25939 | TIMP3 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25941 | Syntrophin (alpha 1) antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25941-PEP | Syntrophin (alpha 1) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25944 | IL17 antibody | 50μg | 5400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25946 | AIP1 / MAGI2 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25946-PEP | AIP1/MAGI2 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25948-PEP | APXL blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25950 | GIPC3 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25950-PEP | GIPC3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25951 | GIPC1 / NIP antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25951-PEP | GIPC1/NIP blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25952 | Human Uterus (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25954 | POLL / POLkappa antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25954-PEP | POLL/POLkappa blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25955 | LMO7 / FBXO20 antibody, Internal | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25955-PEP | LMO7/FBXO20 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25958 | KIF antibody, C-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25958-PEP | KIF blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25959 | ATP6IP2 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25960 | ORP9 / OSBPL9 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25960-PEP | ORP9/OSBPL9 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25961 | Human Uterus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25962-PEP | PSD/TYL blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25964 | PHLDA2 / IPL antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25964-PEP | PHLDA2/IPL blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25965 | BAFF receptor antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25967 | LIN7B antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25967-PEP | LIN7B blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25970 | Human Heart (Congenital heart disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25971 | Human Heart (hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25972 | BCMA antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25975 | DcR1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25976 | DEDAF antibody | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25977 | DAPPER1 antibody | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25978 | IL21 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25980 | IL21-R antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25982 | IL22-R antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25983 | SNX5 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25983-PEP | SNX5 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25984 | IL22-R antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25985 | IRAK4 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25986 | PERP antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25987 | PHAP antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25988-PEP | SNX8 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25991 | PHAP1 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25993 | PHAP3 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25995 | PALS2 / VAM1 / MPP6 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25995-PEP | PALS2/VAM1/MPP6 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25996 | TCCR antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25997 | TCCR antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX25999 | Mouse IgG + IgM + IgA antibody (FITC) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26005 | Mouse IgG + IgM + IgA antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26008 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26009 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26010 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26011 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26012 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26013 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26014 | Human Heart (Arrhythmia, infarct) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26015 | Rabbit IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26016 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26017 | Human Heart (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26018 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26019 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26020 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26021 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26022 | PAR6alpha / PARD6A antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26022-PEP | PAR6alpha/PARD6A blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26023 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26024 | Rabbit IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26027 | p8 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26028 | p8 antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26034 | 4E-T / EIF4ENIF1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26034-PEP | 4E-T/EIF4ENIF1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26035 | KPNA1 / Importin alpha 5 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26035-PEP | KPNA1/Importin alpha 5 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26036 | KPNA2 / IPOA1 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26036-PEP | KPNA2/IPOA1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26037 | PAPIN / PDZK3 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26037-PEP | PAPIN/PDZK3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26038 | KPNA3 / IPOA4 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26038-PEP | KPNA3/IPOA4 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26039 | KPNA4 / IPOA3 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26039-PEP | KPNA4/IPOA3 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26040 | PIST / FIG / GOPC antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26040-PEP | PIST/FIG/GOPC blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26041 | RANBP16 / Exportin 7 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26041-PEP | RANBP16/Exportin 7 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26043-PEP | Rhophilin 2 (N Terminus) blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26045 | PDLIM4 / RIL antibody, C-term | 100μg | 4500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26045-PEP | PDLIM4/RIL blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26050 | Gli3 antibody | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26051 | VPS26A antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26051-PEP | VPS26A blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26052 | P8 / NUPR1 antibody, N-term | 100μg | 2900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26052-PEP | P8/NUPR1 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26053 | MDG1 / DNAJB9 antibody, C-term | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26053-PEP | MDG1/DNAJB9 blocking peptide | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26055 | Leptin antibody [10H1] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26056 | Leptin antibody [3G7] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26057 | Leptin antibody [4F12] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26058 | Leptin antibody [5F10] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26059 | Leptin antibody [9C10] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26060 | Progesterone antibody [XM207] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26062 | Human Ureter (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 11200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26064 | Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B antibody [S222] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26065 | Staphylococcus Enterotoxin B antibody [S643] | 100μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26066 | Testosterone antibody [XM209] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26067 | Thyroxine antibody [1H1] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26068 | Thyroxine antibody [XM212] | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26069 | TSH antibody [11E4] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26070 | TSH antibody [7G12] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26071 | TSH antibody [10C7] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26073 | TSH antibody [TSB1] | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26074 | TSH antibody [TSB4] (HRP) | 500μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26075 | Rb antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26076 | Akt antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26078 | SP17 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26079 | PARP antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26080 | Caspase 9 p10 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26082 | SP1 antibody | 1ml | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26085 | FXR2 antibody [A42] | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26086 | BAFF Receptor peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26087 | BCMA Peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26088 | Chk2 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26090 | CIKS peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26091 | DC-SIGN peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26092 | DC-SIGN peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26093 | PHAPI2/APRIL peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26094 | PHAPI2/APRIL peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26095 | hnRNP-F antibody [3H4] | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26096 | DcR1 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26097 | DEDAF peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26098 | F1A alpha peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26099 | GDNFR alpha peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26100 | GDNF family Receptor alpha 3 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26101 | GPR15 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26102 | hnRNP-A2/B1 antibody [DP3B3] | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26103 | ICAD peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26104 | IL1RAP peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26105 | IL1RAP peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26106 | HNRNP L antibody [4D11] | 50μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26107 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26108 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26109 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26110 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26111 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26112 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26113 | Rabbit IgG (F(ab)2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26114 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 250μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26115 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26116 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26117 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26118 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26119 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26120 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26121 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26125 | PABP antibody [10E10] | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26130 | Integrin alpha 4 antibody [BU49] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26132 | CD11a antibody [38] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26133 | Integrin alpha V antibody [13C2] | 100μg | 4800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26137 | CIKS antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26138 | CIKS peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26139 | CIKS antibody | 50μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26141 | Aly antibody [11G5] | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26142 | Nestin antibody [2Q178] | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26143 | Human Ureter (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 10400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26144 | FLIP antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26146 | IKK beta antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26147 | Human Gallbladder (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26149 | Human Whole Eye (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26152 | Cyclin D1 antibody [CD1.1] | 50μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26154 | MCM5 antibody [CRCT5.1 (A2.7A3)] | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26155 | IKK alpha antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26158 | IRAK2 antibody | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26161 | Tubulin alpha antibody [YOL1/34] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26188 | M13 antibody | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26189 | Plasminogen antibody | 100μl | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26190 | Aldolase antibody | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26191 | Pyruvate Kinase antibody | 100μl | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26193 | Trypsinogen antibody | 100μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26194 | Xanthine Oxidase antibody | 100μl | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26195 | Human Umbilical Cord (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26197 | Human Esophagus (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26216 | Human Trachea (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26219 | Human Esophagus (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26220 | Human Small Intestine: Duodenum (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26221 | Human Small Intestine: Duodenum (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26222 | Human Colon (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26223 | Human Colon (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26224 | Human Colon (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26225 | IL21 Receptor peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26226 | IL21 Receptor peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26227 | IL22 Receptor peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26229 | IL22 Receptor peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26230 | IRAK peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26231 | IRAKM peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26232 | IRAK2 peptide | 50μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26233 | IRAK2 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26234 | Livin peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26235 | MTBP peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26236 | NAK peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26237 | p53R2 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26238 | PHAP peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26239 | PHAP peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26240 | PHAP1 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26241 | PHAP1 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26242 | PHAP3 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26243 | MTA2 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26244 | TACI peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26245 | Synaptophysin antibody [SYP02] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26246 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26247 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26248 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26249 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26250 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26251 | Rat IgG (H+L) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26252 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 500μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26253 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26254 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (TxRd) | 500μg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26255 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Rhodamine) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26256 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (Biotin) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26257 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26258 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (AP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26259 | Rat IgG (Fc fragment) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26264 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26265 | Rat IgG (F(ab')2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26266 | Rat IgG (F(ab')2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (FITC) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26268 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26269 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Depression) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26272 | Human Tonsil (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 11200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26273 | Human Tonsil (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26276 | beta Actin antibody [AC-15] | 100μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26279 | Human Tonsil (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 10400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26284 | 58K Golgi protein antibody [58K-9] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26285 | BMP2 antibody [65529.111] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26286 | Human Tonsil (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26287 | Human Tonsil (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26288 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Dementia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26289 | Human Brain: Thalamus (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26290 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26291 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26292 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26293 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Depression) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26295 | Human Thyroid (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26296 | BMP4 antibody [66119.11] | 100μg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26300 | beta Catenin antibody [6F9] | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26302 | beta Catenin antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26303 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Dementia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26304 | Dynein Intermediate chain antibody [70.1] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26305 | Dynein Heavy chain antibody [440.4] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26308 | Collagen I antibody [COL-1] | 100μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26310 | Collagen III antibody [FH-7A] | 100μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26311 | Collagen IV antibody [COL-94] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26312 | Collagen VII antibody [LH7.2] | 100μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26313 | Cathepsin D antibody [CTD-19] | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26314 | Cathepsin L antibody [33/2] | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26315 | CDK4 antibody [DCS-31] | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26316 | Clathrin antibody | 200μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26318 | Human Brain: Temporal Lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26319 | CNPase antibody [11-5B] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26320 | Nestin antibody [3k1] | 50μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26321 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26322 | Desmin antibody [DE-U-10] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26323 | COPB antibody [maD] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26325 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26326 | BrdU antibody [BU1/75 (ICR1)] | 100μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26329 | CD45 antibody [MRC OX-30] | 125μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26330 | CD34 antibody [BI-3C5] | 500μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26332 | CD11b antibody [M1/70.15] | 100μg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26333 | Human Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26335 | Human Thymus (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26340 | HLA-DR antibody [YD1/63.4.10] | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26346 | Tenascin C antibody [MTn-12] | 100μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26350 | Human Thymus (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26352 | Human Thymus (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26353 | Human Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26355 | Human Thymus (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26357 | Human Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26358 | Human Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26359 | Human Brain:Pons (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26360 | Human Brain: Pons (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26361 | Human Brain: Pons (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26362 | Human Brain: Pons (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26364 | Human Testis (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26365 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26367 | Human Testis (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26368 | Human Testis (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26369 | Human Testis (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26370 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26371 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26373 | Human Testis (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26375 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Depression) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26376 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Dementia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26377 | Human Brain: Parietal Lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26378 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26379 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26381 | Human Stomach: Pylorus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26383 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26385 | Human Stomach: Fundus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26387 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Depression) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26389 | Human Stomach: Corpus (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26390 | Human Stomach: Corpus (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26391 | Human Brain: Occipital Lobe (Dementia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26393 | Tenascin antibody [BC-24] | 100μl | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26401 | pan Cytokeratin antibody [PCK-26] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26418 | Human Stomach: Cardia (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26420 | Human Brain: Occipital lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26423 | Human Stomach (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26425 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26428 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26431 | Human Stomach (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26432 | Human Stomach (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26434 | CDK1 + CDK2 antibody [AN21.2] | 100μg | 3300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26440 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26441 | Human Brain: Medulla oblongata (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26445 | Human Brain: Hippocampus (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26446 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26450 | Aspartate antibody | 50μl | 5200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26457 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26473 | Human Spleen (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26492 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26494 | XRCC3 antibody | 100μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26517 | Rat IgG (F(ab')2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (HRP) | 250μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26519 | Rat IgG (F(ab')2) antibody, F(ab')2 fragment (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26520 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26521 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26522 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26523 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26526 | Ki67 antibody [PP-67] | 100μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26528 | pan Cadherin antibody [CH-19] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26530 | Hsp60 antibody | 100μg | 4000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26531 | Human Spleen (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26534 | Human Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26535 | Hsp70 antibody [BRM-22] | 100μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26536 | Hsp90 antibody [D7 alpha] | 50μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26540 | Human Spleen (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26541 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Depression) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26542 | Leu Enkephalin antibody [M09201] | 250μl | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26543 | CDK5 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26544 | CDK9 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26545 | Rb2 p130 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26547 | p27 KIP1 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26548 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Dementia) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26549 | NFkB p52 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26550 | Human Brain: Frontal Lobe (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26551 | CDK4 antibody | 100μl | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26556 | GFP antibody | 50μg | 3200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26557 | RFX5 antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26558 | NFYA antibody | 100μg | 5300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26560 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26562 | Human Spleen (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26564 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Cy5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26565 | Rat IgG antibody (Cy5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26566 | Goat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26567 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26568 | Hamster IgG antibody (Cy5) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26572 | Catalase antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26573 | Catalase antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26576 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26577 | Collagen I antibody (Biotin) | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26578 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (Biotin) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26579 | Collagen II antibody (Biotin) | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26580 | Collagen III antibody (Biotin) | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26585 | Glutamine Synthetase antibody | 1ml | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26586 | Collagen IV antibody | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26587 | Human Brain: Corpus Callosum (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26589 | Human Brain:Cerebellum (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26590 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26592 | Human Spinal cord (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 8000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26594 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26595 | Human Brain: Cerebellum (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26596 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26597 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26598 | Human Brain: Amygdala (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26600 | Human Small intestine: Jejunum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26602 | Human Brain (Parkinson's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26603 | Human Brain (Multiple Sclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26605 | Human Small intestine: Ileum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26609 | Human Brain (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26610 | RNase A antibody | 1ml | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26611 | RNase A antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26612 | GST antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26614 | alpha Amylase antibody | 1ml | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26615 | alpha Amylase antibody | 1mg | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26616 | beta Amylase antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26617 | beta Amylase antibody | 1mg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26618 | Carbonic Anhydrase I antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26619 | Carbonic Anhydrase I antibody | 1mg | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26620 | Human Brain (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26621 | Carbonic Anhydrase II antibody | 1mm | 2500 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26622 | Human Brain (Alzheimer's Disease) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26624 | Carboxypeptidase A antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26625 | Carboxypeptidase A antibody | 1mg | 2200 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26626 | Human Small Intestine: Duodenum (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26627 | Carboxypeptidase B antibody | 1mg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26628 | Lactoperoxidase antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26629 | Human Bone Marrow (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26630 | CD62E / CD62P antibody [1.2B6] | 100μg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26631 | Human Vein (Hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26633 | GST antibody | 100μg | 2100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26634 | GST antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26635 | GST antibody (Biotin) | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26636 | Human Blood Vessel: Artery (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26637 | Human Artery (Hypertension) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26638 | Human Aorta (Arteriosclerosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26639 | Phosphoserine antibody [PSR-45] | 100μl | 4100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26640 | F4/80 antibody [CI:A3-1] | 250μg | 5000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26641 | beta Galactosidase antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26642 | GST antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26643 | Biotin antibody | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26644 | Fluorescein antibody | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26645 | beta Galactosidase antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26646 | beta Galactosidase antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26647 | GST antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26649 | GST antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26650 | Biotin antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26651 | Biotin antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26652 | Biotin antibody (AP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26653 | Biotin antibody (TxRd) | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26654 | Fluorescein antibody (TxRd) | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26655 | Fluorescein antibody (Biotin) | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26656 | Fluorescein antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26657 | Fluorescein antibody (AP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26658 | GFP antibody (Biotin) | 100μg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26660 | GFP antibody (TxRd) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26661 | GFP antibody (AP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26662 | GFP antibody (FITC) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26663 | GFP antibody (HRP) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26666 | Fibrinogen antibody | 100μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26667 | Goat IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (HRP) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26668 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26669 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26670 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26671 | TNF alpha antibody | 200μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26672 | IL6 antibody | 200μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26673 | GFP antibody | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26675 | Avidin antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26680 | IL21 peptide | 50μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26681 | TNF beta antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26682 | Human Small intestine (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26685 | Human Appendix (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26687 | Human Small intestine (Tumor) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26688 | Human Small intestine (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26689 | Histone H2B antibody | 50μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26690 | GM-CSF antibody | 500μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26691 | Human Small intestine (Normal) tissue Lysate, Cytoplasmic Fraction | 100μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26692 | Bovine IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26693 | Human Appendix (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26694 | Chicken IgY antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26695 | Human Adrenal (Lupus) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26696 | Donkey IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26697 | Goat IgG (H+L) antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26698 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26699 | Hamster IgG antibody | 1mg | 1300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26700 | Horse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26701 | Rabbit IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26702 | Rabbit IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26703 | Rat IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26704 | Sheep IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26705 | Pig IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26706 | Mouse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26707 | Mouse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26708 | Mouse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26709 | Mouse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26710 | Mouse IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26711 | Human Adrenal (Liver Cirrhosis) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26712 | Human Adrenal (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26713 | Human IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26714 | Human IgG antibody | 1mg | 1300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26715 | Human IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26716 | Human IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26718 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26719 | Rabbit IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26721 | Rabbit IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26722 | Rabbit IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26723 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26724 | Mouse IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26725 | Mouse IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26726 | Mouse IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26727 | Mouse IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26728 | Mouse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26729 | Mouse IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26730 | Rat IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26731 | Rat IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26732 | Rat IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26733 | Rat IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26734 | Rat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26735 | Rat IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26736 | Human Visceral Adipose (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26737 | Goat IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26741 | Goat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26742 | Goat IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26743 | Sheep IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26744 | Sheep IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26745 | Sheep IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26747 | Sheep IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26748 | Sheep IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26757 | Human IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26758 | Human IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26759 | Human IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26760 | Human IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26761 | Donkey IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26762 | Donkey IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26763 | Donkey IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26764 | Donkey IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26765 | Donkey IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26766 | Donkey IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26767 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26768 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26769 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26770 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26771 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26772 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26773 | Pig IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26775 | Pig IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26776 | Pig IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26777 | Pig IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26778 | Pig IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26783 | Hamster IgG antibody (HRP) | 1500μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26784 | Hamster IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26785 | Mouse IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26786 | Mouse IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26788 | Mouse IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26789 | Mouse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26790 | Mouse IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26791 | Rabbit IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26792 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26793 | Rabbit IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26794 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26795 | Rabbit IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26796 | Rabbit IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26797 | Rabbit IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26798 | Rabbit IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26799 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26800 | Rabbit IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26801 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26802 | Rabbit IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26803 | Rabbit IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26808 | Mouse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26809 | Mouse IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26811 | Mouse IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26812 | Mouse IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26813 | Mouse IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26814 | Mouse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26815 | Mouse IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26816 | Mouse IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26817 | Mouse IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26818 | Mouse IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26819 | Mouse IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26820 | Mouse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26821 | Mouse IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26822 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (Biotin) | 500μg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26823 | Mouse IgG (Fab fragment) antibody (HRP) | 500μg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26824 | Rabbit IgG (Fab fragment) antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26825 | Rabbit IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26826 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26827 | Rabbit IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26828 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26829 | Rabbit IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26830 | Rabbit IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26831 | Rabbit IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26832 | Rat IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26833 | Rat IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26834 | Rat IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26835 | Rat IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26836 | Rat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26837 | Rat IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26838 | Rat IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26842 | Human Subcutaneous Adipose (Diabetes) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26847 | Rat IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26848 | Rat IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26849 | Rat IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26850 | Rat IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26851 | Rat IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26852 | Rat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26853 | Rat IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26858 | Human IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26860 | Human IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26861 | Human IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26862 | Human IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26863 | Human IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26864 | Human IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26865 | Human IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26866 | Human IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26867 | Human IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26869 | Human IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26870 | Human IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26871 | Human IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26872 | Chicken IgY antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26873 | Chicken IgY antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26874 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26875 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26876 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26877 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26878 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26880 | Goat IgG antibody | 1mg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26882 | Goat IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26883 | Goat IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26884 | Goat IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26885 | Goat IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26886 | Goat IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26887 | Hamster IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26888 | Hamster IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26889 | Hamster IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26890 | Hamster IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26891 | Hamster IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26892 | Hamster IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26893 | Hamster IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26894 | Human Small intestine (Fetal Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26898 | Sheep IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26902 | Cyanine antibody | 1mg | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26908 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26920 | Horse IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26921 | Horse IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 2000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26923 | Bovine IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26924 | Bovine IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26925 | Bovine IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26926 | Bovine IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26932 | Bovine IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26934 | Bovine IgG antibody (HRP) | 1ml | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26937 | Cyanine antibody (TxRd) | 100μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26939 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Cy3) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26940 | Rabbit IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26941 | Rabbit IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26942 | Rabbit IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26944 | Mouse IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26946 | Mouse IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3.5) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26947 | Mouse IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26948 | Goat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26951 | Goat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26952 | Rat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26953 | Rat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26954 | Rat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3.5) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26955 | Rat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26956 | Human IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26957 | Human IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26960 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26961 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26963 | Chicken IgY (H+L) antibody (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26964 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy2) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26965 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3) | 100μg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26966 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26967 | Guinea Pig IgG (H+L) antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26969 | Hamster IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26970 | Hamster IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy3.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26971 | Hamster IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (Cy5.5) | 100μg | 1900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26977 | Human Uterus (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26981 | Human Ureter (Tumor) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26983 | Donkey IgG antibody | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26984 | Donkey IgG antibody (FITC) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26985 | Donkey IgG antibody (Rhodamine) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26986 | Donkey IgG antibody (TxRd) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26987 | Donkey IgG antibody (Biotin) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26988 | Donkey IgG antibody (HRP) | 1mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26989 | Donkey IgG antibody (AP) | 1mg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26992 | CTGF antibody | 50μg | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26994 | VWF antibody | 100μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX26995 | Insulin antibody [K36AC10] | 50μl | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27000 | Mouse IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27004 | Goat IgG antibody (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27010 | Rat IgG antibody, pre-adsorbed (PE) | 500μl | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27011 | Phycoerythrin B antibody | 1ml | 2700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27012 | Phycoerythrin B antibody | 1mg | 2800 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27013 | Human Skin (Tumor) tissue Lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 7600 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27014 | Bovine IgG antibody (Agarose) | 10mg | 2300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27016 | Human Tonsil (Tumor) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27017 | Human Thyroid (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27018 | Mouse IgG antibody (Agarose) | 20mg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27019 | Rabbit IgG antibody (Agarose) | 5mg | 1700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27020 | Human Thymus (Tumor) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27023 | Human Skin (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 6100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27024 | Human Skin (Normal) tissue lysate, Membrane Fraction | 100μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27026 | Human Synoviosarcoma (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27028 | HDAC1 antibody | 50μl | 3900 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27029 | HDAC2 antibody | 50μl | 3400 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27033 | MMP2 antibody [2C1] | 50μl | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27034 | Titin antibody [T11] | 100μl | 3000 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27035 | Human Spleen (Normal) tissue lysate | 200μg | 3100 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27036 | EphA1 antibody | 50μg | 4300 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27038 | EphA3 antibody | 50μg | 4700 |
GeneTex2015 | GTX27039 | EphA4 antibody | 50μg | 4300 |
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