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 更新時間:2019-05-13 點擊量:770

Biosensis Rapid™ELISA試劑盒被獨立認可為值得。查看許多其他出版物,其中突出了Biosensis Rapid™ELISA試劑盒的質量,

充分利用我們的特別優惠。購買任何2板Rapid™ELISA試劑盒,我們將免費提供任何單板Rapid™ELISA試劑盒!為什么?因為我們知道我們的套件優于市場上的所有其他套件 - 我們的許多客戶也是如此!因為我們正在慶祝我們有史以來的一年 - 感謝你!

買一個2-PLATE KIT,免費獲得1-PLATE KIT 。購買2板Rapid™ELISA試劑盒,您可以從我們的整個Rapid™ELISA系列中選擇任何1-plate試劑盒。這是一個價值398.50美元的禮物!



BEK-2211-1PMature BDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human, Mouse, Rat (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2211-1P-CECE Marked BDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)457 Free w/offer
BEK-2211-2PMature BDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human, Mouse, Rat (2 plates)767
BEK-2211-2P-CECE Marked BDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 plates)867
BEK-2212-1PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2212-2PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 Plates)767
BEK-2213-1PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2213-2PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (2 Plates)767
BEK-2214-1PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Rat, Guinea Pig (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2214-2PNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Rat, Guinea Pig (2 Plates)767
BEK-2215-1POligomeric Amyloid-beta ELISA Kit (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2215-2POligomeric Amyloid-beta ELISA Kit (2 plates)797
BEK-2217-1PproBDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human, Mouse, Rat (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2217-2PproBDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human, Mouse, Rat (2 Plates)767
BEK-2218-1PNeurotrophin 4/5 (NT4/5) Rapid ELISA Kit: Hu, Ms, Rt, Mky (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2218-2PNeurotrophin 4/5 (NT4/5) Rapid ELISA Kit: Hu, Ms, Rt, Mky (2 Plates)767
BEK-2219-1PNGFR/p75ECD Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2219-2PNGFR/p75ECD Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 Plates)767
BEK-2220-1PNGFR/p75ECD Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2220-2PNGFR/p75ECD Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (2 Plates)767
BEK-2221-1PNeurotrophin 3 (NT3) Rapid ELISA Kit: Hu, Ms, Rt (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2221-2PNeurotrophin 3 (NT3) Rapid ELISA Kit: Hu, Ms, Rt (2 Plates)767
BEK-2222-1PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2222-2PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 plates)767
BEK-2226-1PproNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2226-2PproNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 plates)767
BEK-2227Multi-Neurotrophin Rapid Screening ELISA Kit: Human 1 set (Must PURCHASE 2for free 1 plate offer to apply)
BEK-2229-1PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2229-2PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse (2 plates)767
BEK-2230-1PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Rat (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2230-2PGDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Rat (2 plates)767
BEK-2231Multi-Neurotrophin Rapid Screening ELISA Kit: Ms. (Must PURCHASE 2 for free 1plate offer to apply)
BEK-2232Multi-Neurotrophin Rapid Screening ELISA Kit: Rt. (Must PURCHASE 2 for free 1plate offer to apply)
BEK-2233-1PLR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2233-2PLR3IGF-I Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 plates)767
BEK-2236-1PproNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse and Rat (1 plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2236-2PproNGF Rapid ELISA Kit: Mouse and Rat (2 plates)767
BEK-2237-1PproBDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (1 Plate)398.5 Free w/offer
BEK-2237-2PproBDNF Rapid ELISA Kit: Human (2 Plates)767
BEK-2240Mature BDNF/proBDNF Combo Rapid ELISA Kit (2211/2217): Hu, Ms, Rt, (MustPURCHASE 2 for free 1 plate offer to apply)
BEK-2241NEW Mature BDNF/proBDNF Combo Rapid ELISA Kit (2211/2237): Hu, Ms, Rt (MustPURCHASE 2 for free 1 plate offer to apply)


 活動 有效期至2019年6月30日!